Update from Buduburam Refugee Camp

Thought it was about time for a little update on my African adventures as I have not been to good at writing this time around. But as my mum always says – when she does not hear from me, at least she knows that all is well ☺

So what is going on at camp? Independence day is coming up this Saturday and by the looks of it we will host a program at the cultural centre to celebrate and honour the day. Being a proud Norwegian who really knows how to celebrate independence day I am very excited about the whole thing, not to mention curious on how they celebrate and in what scale. I expect nothing less than greatness, glitter and glamour ☺

On Thursday I will be conducting my first workshop with the kids at the cultural centre, the topic for the day being trust: What does it mean to trust someone? How do we build trust amongst each other? I guess you get the picture ☺ Other than that I will be having workshops in conflict resolution and health as well as hosting and conducting girls discussions groups together with Erica. And in between these activities I will probably do numerous of different things as usual or just simply hang out with Samuel, friends and family.

Oh, I almost forgot – I am learning how to cook African food so tomorrow my auntie Mariama is coming together with Safiatu to teach me how to cook plantains and soup (gravy that is) with chicken – JUMMY!!!! I have also agreed with my mum to have her coming over to teach me how to do groundnut soup and some other delicious things and today I got invited to come and learn how to cook in a small restaurant I go to eat so I agreed to do that too ☺ This of course means that when I get back home to Umeå some of you lucky people who know me will be invited to my place for an amazing African dinner (just need to find my self a place to live first lol) and some good stories from my stay here which I am not sharing here on my blog – hahaha ☺

On Wednesday (today that is I realize when sitting here at Sharpnet in Osu) I am hitting Accra and Mekola (shop till you drop – and I did) market and having a late lunch with Elisabeth (lunch was gooood), will be so awesome to see her again after all this time and I know she is heading back home to the U.S pretty soon so I am eager to see her now and get an update from camp from her point of view. And as I said in the previous blog, I am taking Samuel and his friends with me to the beach on Sunday so I guess I could say that most of this week is already booked! Time is passing by like a BMW on the autobahn in Germany. *sigh*
Someone PLEASE give me a well paid job so I can stay here a while longer!!! Anyone??? HUH???? Pretty, pretty pleeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee???? ☺

Well, that’s it from camp for now. Speak soon my loved ones!

Hugs n kisses and a whole lot of sun from Buduburam,

Yours T.

Mamma: Mjau, mjau, mjaaaauuuuu….jeg bare gråt og gråt og gråt når du fortalte at Felizia er død. Verdens fineste og beste kattepus! Stakkars Smilla og Zlatan, huff og huff. Trist i øyet mitt altså, må gråte litt til. Huff. Elsker deg mamma!

Ivar: Vad hände? Levde Felizia efter hon blev påkörd eller dog hon omedelbart? Har du gravlagd henne på Klabben? Hur är det med mina andra älskingar Smilla och Zlaten, och hur har du det? Kram

Pappa: Hilse alle så masse fra meg, spesielt bestemor! Klem klem

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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