Up-date from KL

I just realised I haven’t written anything in a while, time goes quickly when you’r having fun 🙂

Since last time I have met a lot of new people, our ’gang’ is expanding as there are a lot of interns arriving all the time. Though I am sad to say that Kerstin, the austrian girl I have been hanging out with left KL today 🙁 Marit will also be leaving to night, but like I said – a lot of new people are to come.

So, last weekend me, Kerstin, Melanie (my flat-mate), Christoph, Michael, Marie and Anthony went to Tioman, an island on the east-coast of Malaysia. And believe me- that was sooooo nice! I was stuck in the hammock for 3 days, just looking at the ocean and reading books. Totaly relaxing. It is so good to get a way from KL for a while; no traffick-jams, no haze, not so hot, less people, less stress… I love KL though, but still. And we had a good party on saturday night in Tioman. It was only me, Anthony and Christoph, but boy did we have fun 🙂 Anthony made us play drinking-games and by the end of the night we were pretty f****** drunk. Had a night-swim and a huge hang-over on sunday! Lucky for me I had taken monday off from work so I could chill out in the hammock instead of sitting in a boat and in a bus for the whole day like Anthony did, he wasn’t doing to good 🙂

I had a pretty stressfull week at work. We have got a new intern at the office and I am somewhat responsible for teaching her all the stuff people have been teaching me, which is good cause then I get to learn it even better. But I don’t think I am good at teaching, so we’ll see how much she infact will learn…haha. Also I have been trying to fix my registration with the prison and detention authoroties so that I can go and interview refugees who are being detained due to their ’illegal’ entry and stay. I really hope that I can go as I think it will be a good experience for me and as I want to have a look at the inside to see how it works, but things take time so I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

From one thing to another. Yesterday we had a fare-well dinner/party for Kerstin down-town somewhere close to Chinatown. The food was great as always 🙂 And after we went for some beers before returning to Villa Puteri, our condo, for a party at the 34th floor. A lot of people, a lot of drinks and a lot of good music. Dancing, dancing, dancing! We also went up to the roof-top to have an amazing view at the city by night. Nice huh?
So today I have a bit of a hang-over and are planning to go to bed early. We actually did some clubbing on thursday as well so I am kind of exhausted, haha. Meeting Anthony and Marie tomorrow to make plans for going to Redang, another paradise-island, next weekend. So looking forward to it 🙂

Well, that’s all for now. Haven’t got much to tell really. I’ll write some more about work during next week.

Take care, love you all!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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