The orphanhome part 2

Sawatdee kha!

So we had a pretty good weekend in Phi Phi islands, and we got pretty drunk as well on saturdaynight… amazing what a couple of buckets with vodka and red bull can do to you and what it can make you do…haha… we woke up in the morning finding all our clothes soaking wet from the sea and we can honestly say that the hangover did not feel got as we had to sit on the boat to Krabi for about 2 hours on sundayafternoon…haha… Took a taxi from the pier to Chan Cha Lay guesthouse in Krabi together with an american guy named Clark and took him to dinner in an italian restaurant befor we headed back to the orphanhome. We had forgot to check when the busses left from Krabi so we had to get a songthaew-taxi wich costed us 800 bath instead of the 60 bath they charge on the bus…got to do some mistakes while we are here though, at least the taxidrivers got a good laugh!

Since we got back from Phi Phi nothing much has happend. We have both been kind of tired and the heat here has been almost intolerable. When we’re not teaching we’re mostly hanging out in our room or with Ted in the cafe or we are playing and talking with the kids. The kids realy hang on to us like crazy, and we can assure you that they love our braids (probably the braid has to come of during the weekend since the kids are picking on them all the time…). They are so adorable and fun to be with. We don’t spend so much time with the older kids though, they kind of get embarrased if we talk to them or look at them. We guess that in time it would be easier for them, but also the fact that they are not so good in english makes them kind of shy 🙂 We are planning to hang out in the guys doorms tomorrow, that will be a blast for sure 🙂 Ted thinks it’s so funny to make us talk to the guys in his doorms…but he did us kind of an unfavour as some of them now go around whistelig after us and calling us sexy…haha..

In Ted’s doorm there are about 80 guys sleeping in one big room. For the time being some of them are sleeping on the floor as well, but in about 2 months the tsunamichildren will go back home to Pang Nga and the rest of them will get some more space. They are also building some new doorms now, so during the fall it should be a little bit less crowded in the rooms 🙂
We’ll take some pictures of the doorms and the shcool tomorrow so that you can see for yourselves!
Ted says that the kids seems happy here though, they really take care of eachother and show a lot of affection. But even so we have some kids crying everyday in our classes becuse they have been figthing and hitting eachother. You should see some of the bruises the children wander around with…infected and all… aparently they have built a kind of a firstaid center here on the campus, but there’s no nurses or doctors here yet. And also the teachers are so busy that it’s hard for them to keep track of whos sick or injured or not.
Tomorrow the school will get a visit from the kings foundation so hopefully the school will get some more money to employ more staff, that would for sure benefit the students and the rest of the teachers in every possible way.
Being here has been a realy good experience, we’ll see if we’ll return some day. It would be real nice to see how things work out for some of these children in the future.

Madelene has got a sore throat(Trine is about to get one too) and a really bad stomackpain with cramps and shit…so to day we went to the hospital here in Khao Phanom. They took realy good care of her, and they didnt want any money for it either! Since we are volonteers they figured that they could give us a helping hand. They even got us a ride back, in an AMBULANCE! ha ha. Ted came running when he saw it and some of the teachers looked a bit scared but the kids just laughed. She is pretty sure that she will live to see another day, got five different pills that will fix her up in no time!
Take care, we will write more soon and we will definitely tell you about meeting the Kings secretary, ha ha

Kakuua Halima: Saa kos aa hoere fra deg vennen 🙂 Haaper du nyter av sommeren i Tanzania og at du ellers har det topp! Vi ses i Trondheim i hoest en gang, super glad i deg! Stor klem fra Trinepuzn.

Sharifi: Nar aker du till Sollefte min kara? Tanker pa dig! Puss o kram, T.

Erika: Hur gar det for dig down under? Skicka mig ett mail sa jag vet att du lever 🙂 Puss o kram, T.

IKK04: Vi ar redo som ett hardkokt egg for att dra i gang insparket for IKK05! Hoppas att ni har det bra vartan ni befinner er under sommaren, vi syns snart pa Kallsta med en biera eller tio i handen! LIVE STRONG!

Troll-paap: Har sett bilden pa fiken nu den sag god ut:) Kramar!

Bohm Krasch: ska forsoka ringa dig idag, men misslyckas det sa far du har en fantastiskt trevlig dag! Grattis pa fordelsedagen.PUSSSSS!

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"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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