Hey all!
Last time we wrote any I was kind of sick, throwing up almost all that you could possible find inside my stomack… but after a quick visit to the doctor who gave me 5 diffrent kinds of medicine I felt quite good, just a little bit tired and of course not so very keen on eating a lot of food…haha…
Well the rest of the weekend was spent together with the new volunteers that arrived in Krabi on saturday. We told them about our experiences and hopefully made them feel welcome 🙂 On saturday evening we went out to a small island just outside of Krabi (took about 8 minutes with a longtailboat) to have dinner with the locals. They also entertained us quite a long time with different kinds of traditional dances, it was mostly kids who where dancing and of course we also had to join in there for a while…hahaha…we felt kind of stupid…but it was fun though.
On sunday we got picked up by some guy from the orphanhome wich is not an orphanhome but more like a boardingschool. It has about 1200 students from the age of 5 or 6 up to 18. They all live there and study there, and they are not allowed to leave the area without a written permission. Sometimes the parents or relatives comes to see them and sometimes they don’t.
The children taht lives in this school comes from poor homes, some of them have lost their parents, some of them have been abused in different ways, about 200 of them come from the areas that got struck by the tsunami…all diffrent kinds of faiths in one giant melt.
We teach english (together this time) in the 1th grade up to the 6th grade, 3 classes per day. This means that most of the classes we only get to see and teach 2 or at the most 4 times before we finish.
I, Trine, am not so satisfied with things at the moment so it might be that I will do something different next week, but we’ll se what happens the next coupple of days. I like the kids and stuff, but there are someother things that I am having a hard time dealing with (will explain it later if I can). I guess that the heat and the caos around us is kind of getting to me at the moment, and also the fact that I’ve been sick has really made me kind of worn out. I hope that it will feel better tomorrow or after the weekend, guess I need some days off. I also guess that Madde thinks I am a bit of a pain in the ass at the moment, but I know that she loves me anyhow…hahaha…lucky for her she’s got a big fat ass (everybody keeps telling her that) so it doesn’t really hurt that much when I am giving her a hard time 🙂 I also guess her time will come to be a bit kranky…we all do don’t we 🙂
It is certainly a good way to get to know one another real good 🙂
Madde says that we are going to Kho Phi Phi this weekend (HALLELUJA), that will be great! We are both longing to work on our tan! And hopefully we will be drinking a cold beer or two or five…yeah! And eat bread or pasta or pizza or whatever that ain’t hot, sticky or got rice in it (which is hard to find here in Khao Phanom).
Well, they are about to close this shop so we probally should go…write more as soon as possible!
We love you all, and miss you all!
Maria: du kan maile meg paa tmunkvold@hotmail.com eller tremut03@student.umu.se Bruker den siste mest, hotmailen er bare til for msn…hils kjaeresten fra meg! Haper vi ses snart, altfor lenge siden! regner med jeg kommer til Oslo ASAP i hoest! Puss o kram
Tjohei Trine
Minnene favner meg når du forteller om Thailand – og nå skal du til Ko phi phi. Aner ikke hvordan det har blitt der, men for tre årsiden var det paradis på jorden!!! Sender deg en mail idag!
Klem, klem
väntar på mera bilder.