Hey all
Just Madde checking in now, my good friend Trine is upstairs in our hotel trying to rest a bit. It has been a tuff day in many different ways. This morning trine felt a bit sick, and from then on it has just gotten worse, all day she has been running to the toilet to throw up….yuk! She has seen a doctor though and he seamed pretty hopefull that she would still be alive in the morning. (just kidding, she will probabaly be back to her happy self again in just a few days).She can tell you all about it tomorrow. In school today we said goodbye to all the wonderful teachers and kids. They all gatherd to sing a song for us and tell us that they love us!! We cried rivers and then some of our kids started crying so then we had to cry some more….you know how it is=)We somehow pulled of a song that we were forced to promise to sing (yesterday, Beatles), dont ask me how though. Loads and loads of hugs from all our students was the icing on the cake, we are going to miss them sooooo much.
We, or should I say; I had lunch with the principal (Trine was laying in one of the cars resting)and some other big shots in the local school district, bad converstaion but great food. PiDom & Co drove us all the way to Krabi (about 2 h drive) apparantly it was not good for us to take the bus..(?) In our hotel room we said our goodbyes to Keowta(that we stayed with for three nights) and PiChin (PiDoms neighbour), ofcourse they started saying how much they will miss us etc and then we started crying again, they cried loads and we cried more….We are both very sad to leave Thai Muang but if it was this hard to leave after 2 weeks I dont want to think about how it would be after 4 weeks!
Now i need to get some food and some rest, we will write more tomorrow.
take care
3 kommentarer på Tears, hugs and stomach problems
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Hei trine og trines venn!
Hyggelig å få news fra dere – jeg leser dagboken hver dag! Good stuff!
Trine – kan jeg få mailadressen din? Jeg har den nemlig ikke lengere. Don’t ask why. Hvor lenge blir du der nede?
God bedring kjære Trine.
Stor klem
Ojojojoj Trine hoppas du kryar på dig snart! Fortsätt ha så kul som ni verkar ha! kram kristina
Nu har inbjudan till klassåterträffen kommit. Den går av stapeln redan 1 oktober i år. Kul va?
När var det nu igen du kommer hem?