I just have to write about this fantastic musician from KL.
His name is Reza Salleh and I first saw and herad him at a Open Mic show at Liquid Bar last sunday. Open mic is an event that takes place on a regulary basis here in KL where local musicians and other preformers can show their stuff. So as I said, last sunday I went to Open Mic and there I met Reza. And what a revelation! It´s rarely that someone hit me so hard with their music, but for me Reza really did. I LOVE HIS MUSIC! His lyrics, his sound…yeah…it´s simply love 🙂

So I have now seen him twice since the Open Mic show and going again tonight, this is not a guy to miss out on!

I urge you to check out Reza and his music on:

Enjoy, I for sure will 😀

Hugs and kisses

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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