Our second day as a teacher…

Hello everybody!

We are going to write todays journal in english so that all our english speaking friends also can follow our adventures here in Thai Muang in Thailand 🙂

After we finished work yesterday we went to do some shopping down in the village, our host Pi (uncle) Dom gave us a ride and bought us lunch. He is the worlds greatest guy, he treats us like royalties or like his daugthers, as he now calls us 🙂 Everybody really makes an effort to make us feel at home. Pi Doms friends came by the house yesterday evening with some fruit, they had also braught us a brand new mosquito-net! Can you belive it? We were so happy caus so far they been eating us alive, Trine got bites all over her ass…haha…

Today we got up at seven o’clock and went to school at halv past seven. The school doen’t start before 0830, but we eat breakfast togehter with the rest of the female teachers wich is kind of nice and cosy. We also eat lunch with them, usually it’s like four or five different dishes with rice of course. IT IS SO GOOD!!!!!
Madde ate something relly bad yesterday though, she does not recomed it- sticky rice with coconut and a shitload amount of black pepper, all wrapped up in a bananaleaf…yuak…

The school we work in is named Bantungdoon ( well it is pronounced that way), and today they recived 516 schoolbooks from UNICEF! That’s so great because the students don’t have a lot of them. We even found a book that shows a map of Norway and Sweden, so now everybody knows where we come from 🙂

The students and the teachers are already quite attached to us, so we think it will be difficult to leave them 🙂 The children in Madde’s classes are already hugging her hard!
Teaching is more like playing games, cause the children in her classes are so small ( 1 – 3 primary school). We both try to make the lessons as fun as possible, so there is a lot of laughing going on 🙂

On friday we are hoping to go to Phuket by our selves, it would be good for us to get some privatetime. But it might be difficult cause we have a lot of dinners to attend and everybody got such big plans for us. Madde is lucky to have a boyfriend back home cause every other person that Trine meets has a son somewhere that needs to be married…haha…they are all very beautiful and smart and rich….says their mums anyways while they are arguing about who is going to get Trine as their daugther-in-law… We just smile and laugh at them…haha…

We will try to get some pictures here now before we go home for the day, we will try to write more tomorrow. It all depends on wether it is electricity in the area or not 🙂

M and T.

Till alla dar hemma: Har tagit 220 bilder an sa lange sa forbered er pa att bli trotta i ogonen nar jag kommer hem for mer kommer det bli=)
Pappa: Svart att fa mottagning nagonstans, ibland finns det ibland inte aven for lokalbefolkningen, halsa och gratta Gun-britt istallet fran mig. Kram

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

1 kommentar pĂ„Our second day as a teacher…

  1. Hei Hei Trine (og Madde selv om jeg ikke kjenner deg)

    Fantastisk Ä hÞre fra reisen din. Sitter her og mimrer noen Är tilbake da ogsÄ jeg var i Thailand. Hvor lenge blir du?

    Stor klem

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