On the road again…

Dear all (swedes, malaysians, englishmen and women, norwegians, indians, germans, frencies, austrians, irish people and all the rest of you that will be following me on my journey to Africa)!

I can’t believe I am actually sitting at the airport in Stockholm again, feels like yesterday that I came back home from Kuala Lumpur! And now I am sitting here waiting for my flight to Ghana 😀

For those of you I haven’t spoken with for quite some time now I am happy to tell you that I am on my way for another internship, this time in Ghana where I will be working in Buduburam Refugee Camp as a Conflict Resolution Facilitator 🙂

Haven’t got that much to say except from that I am currently very nervous and excited at the same time. It always feels surreal to think about the fact that in a few hours time I will be on another continent…
Africa – here I come! 😀

Lots of love,

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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