Taking the liberty to write one more update to our journal, wich is now split in two. I left Trine this morning…was very difficult. I know that we both will make it on our own but it is really nice to have a familiar face around you and someone to lean on when you are tired. Love you Trine!
Anyways my journey to Bangkok turned out to be more expensive and more of a hassel then I expected it to be, dont want to bother you with the whole story lets just say that public transportation can be a bitch.. In Bangkok I am staying in Big Johns Hostel like me and Trine did the last time we were here, this time I am sharing a dorm with possibly up to four people but so far its just me and an american guy who apparantly works in Mongolia..He says that he doesnt snore but we will see, the beds are great though so I am sure that I will sleep like a baby. Still feel a bit sick and medicate myself with paracetamol and a lot of rest. Have to go to the postoffice tomorrow since Trines camera was forgotten in my backpack last night:) I think that she would like to have it back. Have to take either a taxi or hopefully an airport buss out of here at about 22.00 tomorrow night so that i dont miss my flight at about 01.00. Plan to go to the MBK shopping mall tomorrow as well, do some last minute shopping.
Longing to get back on swedish soil now, sick and tired of living in a backpack. Ok guys, maybe I’ll write one more update tomorrow. Take care!
Trine: om du reser inrikes flyg med airasia far du bara ha 15 kg packning! Jag hade 18 men slapp betala overvikten…(dom bervid mig fick betala!)kan inte fatta att min ryggsack bara vager 18 kg? Puss och Kram
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