What a place…like coming to another world. The streets are crowded with people, mostly farangs but also a lot of other people. This must be the most exploited and touristic place I’ve seen so far, not sure I like it but I guess I’ll manage for a couple of days 🙂 Hopefully I’ll go to Koh Tao on monday or tuesday together with Ilissa, kind of like it when it’s all quiet and not to many farangs..haha…
So I arrived here at seven o’clock, two hours later than I had estimated. I guess I should know better by now, if they say that you will be some place at five you will be there more or less two hours later 🙂 Got in a taxi that drove me up to Chaweng beach and got a ok bungalow at a place called Lucky Mother, it costed me 400 bath so it’s not so cheap as I’d like it to be. But it’s only for one night and I couldn’t be bothered to go look for anything else since I’ve been traveling all day and I was really starving. Just had dinner down at the beach, the food sucked but the view was nice 🙂
Tomorrow I got to find another accomodation for me and Ilissa, most of the places are placed right at the beach so I guess it will be quite easy to find someplace nice and hopefully quite cheap 🙂
Got to get some sleep now, I am realy tired…I’ll write again when I got something more interesting to write about…take care,love you all!
Madde: Kameran kom fram ja, no problemo! Tusen millioner tack 🙂 Sjalvklart gikk det snett i dag nar jag tankade av det pa Muis dator, alla bilderna blev raderade fran kameran natt jag inte uptackte for jag kom hit…satan alltsa! Mui kan dock skicka mig dom bilderna som jag gav henne, men alla bilder fran Koh Phi Phi ar borta…inte att dom var sa flatterande…haha…men kul att ha dom enda! Tekniska prylar suger balle imellanat! Forresten sa har jag sett din dromvaska har i vitt…du far saga till om jag ska kopa med mig den 🙂 Halsa John och mumsan! Glad i dig, puss o kram!
Ivar: inte meningen att var oartig alltsa…haha…nu vet du iaf att du far en present nar jag kommer hem, inte darligt inte 🙂 Alskar dig o mamma o katterna o klabben, puss o kram lillepus 🙂
Jag saknar dig!