Here I am…

So here I am…it is HOT HOT HOT. I am sweating and being stared at, it is caotic and noisy, it is exiting and scary… so all in all I guess I can say that thing are the way they should be after two days in a new country 🙂

I do not know what to say about my first day at work today. Guess I will have more to say after these first few days and after talking to the other volunteers to see what is going on at camp and what work needs to be done.

One thing I can tell you is that I live in a very nice place! Got a king size bed, my own bathroom, a TV and a restaurant up front of the house. And all volunteers living there, which only are about 6 people all in all but anyways, feels good. However the water and the electricity is nothing to brag about and I will be drinking warm water from plastic bags for the next 3 months, haha 🙂 But yeah, so far so good I guess.

Write more tomorrow or in the weekend when I will be heading for Cape Coast to chill out at the beach with the other volunteers.

Love you all,

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

2 kommentarer på Here I am…

  1. hehe.. alltid like spennende å komme til et nytt land ;)) misunner deg likevel masse- kanskje ikke det med varmt vann da, men.. hehe :p men ting går seg til og du kommer til å få et knall opphold der borte ;))kose deg på stranda, vennen.. miss u, klem

  2. Hejsan! va gullig du är! härligt att det verkar som det ska bli bra! han ju inte säga hejdå i söndags, när karlarna kom in i bilden ;)du fattar vad jag menar va..FFF hoppas du får det super! ska följa din resa! puss o kram

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