I had a fantastic Hari Raya, I can´t begin to describe how good is has been to have these days off from work. I really needed it.
So what have I been up to then? The original plan was to go to an island with Anthony, but we did not manage to get any tickets to anywhere at all so we were kind of stuck in KL. But I did not mind though as Victoria came on Saturday to visit me once more before she flew out to India. On Friday I want with Anthony to Reggae Bar (as we always do ?) and then I went to meet Eason from my office to go clubbing. And OH MY GOD! That was so fun, so great, and so fantastic. I LOVED IT! All gay men and me, the little, blonde Norwegian girl, ha ha.
On Sunday I went to meet up with Eason again and went to another gay-club where they played some of the best house music I´ve ever heard. I danced my way through the night and came back home soaking wet. Of course I had to wake up Victoria, who had gone home early, to take her for a night-swim in the pool ? And on Tuesday I was time to go clubbing again, at yet another gay-club. Or actually you could say that all of the clubs are not purely gay, but it was gays night out anyways. On Sunday I believe that I was, more or less, the only chick at the whole place. On Tuesday there were maybe two or three others if you don´t count the ladyboys in as well ? My conclusion is anyways that gay men sure knows how to party, had the best nights out in a long, long time. The best part is that nobody gives a shit about me while I am there, meaning no drunk guys will come and grab your tits asking you for a shag at five minutes past three. But I for sure got to dance with all the good looking guys though 😉
So from here on I will only go clubbing at gay-clubs in KL as I know that 1: I am safe to go alone, 2: I am guaranteed to have fun, 3: the music is always fantastic, 4: I get to dance with hot looking men, 5: I get invited to a lot of parties, 6: I get a good workout as I´ll dance for hours and hours and finally 6: No regrets when you wake up the next morning. Not bad huh? So for those of you that are waiting for some juicy make-out stories I am sorry to disappoint you, no making out in gay bars 😉
On wednesday which was the last day of the holidays, I was strolling around KL with Eric, the owner of the guesthouse I stayed at in Sarawak. He’s flew up to Hanoi on Friday and made a short stop here in KL to see me. And on thursday he took me and Simon to Genting Highlands where they have KL´s only casino, pretty nice if you ask me. And yesterday we were partying again, but I did not go out. We just stayed in Simons flat before we changed locations up to my place for some hours. Think I was in bed at four something, and to day we are going to the Octoberfestival. One beer costs 1 ringit (2 spenn!!!), good deal if you ask me 🙂 But before that I need some more sleep. The rain is pouring down here right now, creating a very good sleeping atmosphere so I´m gonna make a move for it.
Hope you´ll all have a nice weekend, I´ll write more on monday after my meeting with the Norwegian mission 😀
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