Change of plans

As always there has been a change of plans…
For those of you who knows me well I guess this does no come as a big surprise lol 🙂 However, due to various and very personal reasons I have decided to extend my stay here in Buduburam until january and then fly straight back home to Sweden. I am not in a state of mind to go anywhere but home after this so India have to wait for me for a while longer, but I guess it is not going anywhere for a while either 🙂

I am however happy and excited to stay in Buduburam for another 6 weeks as it means that I get to do some more work and follow up the beads and the womens project. And I am very much looking forward to celebrate x-mas and new years on camp with my african family and friends 🙂

Well, got to go, work is waiting. I promise to write more later!
Love you and miss you all as always 🙂

Miss T

John: I am so sorry. A long story to be told when we meet again. Lots of love, T.

Kilis: Om du vill hjÀlpa med mina projekt och göra en fund-raiser sÄ blir jag jÀtteglad! Maila mig sÄ kan vi prata mera detaljer! Du Àr underbar! Kram kram

Steph: Thank you for your kind words and support, it means a lot to me! I hope to see you when I get back home! Hugs n kisses to you both!


Heaps of love to all the rest of you!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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