Bad news for me…

Just got an email from Ilissa saying that she was scammed when she changed her ticket…so the ticket was not changed and she lost a lot of money! And there is no flights avaliable so she has to go home on monday, and that means that she will not be joining me here in Koh Samui…so now I am all alone for real 🙂 But no worries, I will meet Pia tomorrow, the girl I’ve been talking to here on the backpacking-community and most likely we’ll share a bungalow for the next few days before I take the boat over to Kho Tao! As I said earlier today, plans changes very quickly here in Thailand 🙂
I’ll write as soon as I know what’s happening tomorrow!


About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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