Back in Thailand:)

As you can see we went back to Thailand in search of sunshine, and we found it! As we wrote the last time Langkawi wasnt all we had excpected it to be, took the morning ferry back on wednesday morning. Decided to try the beaches outside Krabi, found a great bungalow hotel with clean nice rooms just two minute walk from the beach (cheap as well:))Also found a scottish couple that we are spending some time with. About the beach though…..there isnt really much beach to talk about here in Ao Nang, the waves are really high when its high tide and the sand isnt nice, therefore we took a longtail boat to another beach but that wasnt nice either, but…..after a 15 minutes walk past some great caves we found paradise! A beautiful long beach with perfect sand and some good waves to play and cool down in. Spent the better part of the day there, are a bit sunburnt but thats ok. Tomorrow we are going on a snorkeling and island hopping trip, the scotts are going aswell. We were going to go snorkeling in Malaysia but a german woman who lived there for 8 years adwised us against it, said there wasnt much fish or visability and that it was too expensive, guess she was right, its cheaper here. We will see about the fish and the visability tomorrow:)
Take care!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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