my travelblog have not been working for a while down here but finally I am online again so I will post two blogs in one as I have written them both a while ago 🙂
11th of July 2008:
No words can describe the feelings I had inside of me when I saw Buduburam closing in from a distance sitting in a taxi from the airport after a loooong journey from Sweden. My heart was pounding, my stomack was doing summersaults and I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Or maybe do both at the same time. But then I was there. Back in Buduburam. Back in the place I loved and hated at the same time while I was here last.
3 days have passed since I arrived. For each day, for every familiar face I see on the street, for every hug I get from someone i know and someone I have missed, I can feel the love for this place and the people here fill me yp from top to toes. And yesterday, when sitting in the Cultural Centre, watching the kids singing and dancing, when embracing my brother Lavela, my dear Samuel, uncle Jake, Thomas and Matthias – not to forget my african mum and dad – I felt at home. As always, my home is where I am for the moment, but my home is also where my heart is. And right now my heart is here in Buduburam.
So I guess you by now understand that I am very happy that I came back and that I am having a great time, so enough of the emotional babbel lol 🙂 Right now I am lying in my bed in my room in our beautiful blue and yellow house (kind of screams out thet scandinavians live here lol). The smell of fresh bread and eggs are floating through the air and up my nostrils and in a hour or so I will be working on my tan at the beach in Kokrobite…aaaaahhhh…life is good 🙂
15th of July 2008:
Life could not be better at the moment (except from the fact that I have been vomiting for a day now). every morning I wake yp with a big, fat smile upon my face and every evening I long for a new day to come. *sigh* 🙂
Have not done much use yet but starting to work with the Liberian dance Troop as of today which also means that I will be picking up on my dancelessons with Lavelah and my drumming with Samuel – HURRA!!! I have talked the rest of the girls into dancing to so I am sure we will have much fun dancing this time too lol, but I do not promise that it will make it all the way to you-tube, guess once is enough huh? 🙂
I have also hooked Erika up with some people so she started her fieldwork today – awesome! I think she really likes it here and I am so happy that she came along and gets the chance to meet the people I have been talking about for so long now 🙂
Other than that I have done nothing much and the plans are not to big; getting my hair braided of course, my mum is teaching my how to cook african food, going to the beach on saturday, working, dancing, singing, spending time with friends under the shades of the tree outside our house…mmmm…FANTASTIC!
Love you and miss you all as always!
Mamma: Mjau, mjau, mjau 🙂 Haper du har det fint, savner deg som alltid! Suss og klem fra lillepus
Tui,TH, Jessie, Sam, Michelle and the rest of my Buduburam friends: It is strange being back in a place so filled with memories attached to all of you, makes me miss you more than ever. Everyone is asking about you and speaking about you guys all the time. Their regards and my love to you all!
Samantha: Irene sends a special greetings to you girl! xoxo
Peiya: Som jag sa – sa sjukt bra att va ute i varlden igen. Nesta gang vill jag ha dig ved min sida min van – visst sa du Australien eller siktar vi in oss pa Asien till jul??? Haha 🙂 Ha det bast i Oslo och halsa alla goa i kollektivet! Carpe Diem btw! KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
Yndlings-Morten: Suss pa fine, fine du! Sovner til Ane Brun og Lil Wayne og tenker pa deg!
Calle: Vore guld om du var har brorsan!!! KRAM
Hanne: 2-barns mamma er tofft det! Satser pa en middag med utveksling av eventyr og roverhistorier nar jeg kommer til Trondheim neste gang! Klem klem!
Fredrik: Will do baby, will do! Ha det bast du med sa ses vi snart i Ume 🙂 Kram kram
Sharifi: DU ar go du! Ser fram emot att ses! Puss o kram alskling!
Hans: Halsa Lagmans sa ses vi nar jag kommer hem, ser fram emot att se penthouse-lagenheten fardig 🙂 Kram
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