Michelle got out of the hospital monday night and then returned to camp yesterday afternoon. However the doctors at the hospital did not find out what was wrong with her (the malaria test was negative though) or they could not agree what it was so they kind of gave her 15 different pills, sent her home and hoped she would get better. But yesterday she started to get sick again and she had to go back to the hospital today. I just spoke with Tui on the phone who said that Michelle is out of the hospital again and that she is off the medication, but that she started to get ill again so they do not dare to come back to camp yet. If Michelle does not get better I would say the best thing to do is to go back home, it is not so much you can do here if your health is in danger! On top of that Jesse got a really bad foodpoisoning, and me and Sam been sick too.
But today is T-H’s birthday and we have ordered a cake, bought him presents and will make some curry for dinner so hopefully all of us will be well and swell for tonight!
That’s all for now, am at work and need to get some things done before I rush of to a final meeting in the afternoon.
Take care and be safe!
All the best,
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