To fit your life into one suitcase!

How am I actually gonna manage that? There are so many things I want to bring. I really must plan this in detail. What should I not bring, what is really important, what can I buy when I arrive?????

It´s a hussle. For now my plain ticket allows me to bring 20 kilos in checked in luggage and 10 kilos to carry on the plain. It might be enough. But for only 10 och 15 Euros I can change my ticket an bring 40 kilos in checked in luggage. Hmm….I really have to decide soon.

I also have to check with Mikael if I can move in to the apartment when I arrive in Málaga or if I have to wait until the 1st of June. It would be better for my wallet if I could move in directly even if I would have a great time at the hostel.

No swedish version…

About Malin 284 artiklar
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

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