Its been a while…
God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen. Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I […]
Its been a while…
God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen. Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I […]
Its been a while…
God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen. Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I […]
Not writing often enough
I dont know why I´m not writing more often, I just dont feel like it. I party a lot, maybe I would have more to write about if I went on trips and stuff. But […]
Time to rest
Time to rest. I have been partying for for days this week. Wednesday to saturday. And I did not think that I could do that. Had a ”date” with a really nice guy yesterday. His […]
Hurting ribs/Omma revben
I constantly sick here in Spain. First the sunstroke, than eyeinfection, then problems with blisters on my feet and a toenail almost falling off. No I have had problems with my throught for more than […]
Visiting the hostel
I just left two days ago and I´m already here visiting and partying a little. Great! Everything is going great. I live with a really nice spanish young girl. We don´t have internet, but I […]
På svenska / in swedish
Skriver en svensk dagbok idag. Sitter just nu på hotstlet i väntat på att Mark och Luca ska komma och hjälpa mig att bära mina väskor till bussen och sen till nya lägenheten. Det kommer […]
Lite uppdatering
I went out with some guys at the hostel yesterday. I didnt drink very much but had an ok night. I was really tired when I got back home at 5.30 in the morning. The […]
What a day
Yesterday after school I went with Mark in my class in to the city. While we where having a coffee someone stole my backpack with all my things in it. Money, creditcards, school books etc. […]
Sjuk och hemlös…
Hej alla… Om någon undrar varför jag inte skriver så är det för att jag är sjuk och har lite problem med boende. Har helt enkelt inte orkat skriva. Har för närvarande ingenstans att bo […]
My last day in Sweden / Min sista dag i Sverige
Today has been my last day in Sweden. I spent it by buying the last things for the trip. I even bought a small umbrella. The most imortant thing I bought was a new mobile […]
Färdigpackad / Done packing
Jag har inte varit speciellt positivt inställd till kommande sommar i Málaga de senaste dagarna. Jag gissar på extrem resfeber i kombination med att vädret suger däre nere just nu och prognosen ser dålig ut. […]
I feel ill!
I feel ill. I don´t know if it´s because I´m nervous, if i´m starting to get ill or if I´m just extremely tired. I woke up really early this morning and couldn´t fall asleep again. […]
Morsdag / Mothers day
Idag är det morsdag och såklart firar vi mamsen. Hela familjen samlas idag. Jag och syrran är ju här och om en liten stund kommer Brorsan med sambo och dotter. Jag vet att jag förmodligen […]
Really nervous…
I´m starting to get enormesly nervous now. I can´t put my finger on what I´m nervous about. I guess it´s the whole thing. This is such a big change for me. Sure, I left my […]
I realised today when I looked over my suitcase that I had to get in contact with sterling and book another 20 kilos to my ticket. That´s the good thing about Sterling, that for only […]
One of my number one goals!
One of my number one goals this spring has been to lose all the extra kilos I gained during last fall. I´m there now. I lost 9 kilos since the end of february and a […]
Weather issues….
I tried to pack my suitcase just to see how much I can bring to Málaga. It´s gonna be tight! I´m the worst person when it comes to packing smart. That´s kind of funny because […]
To fit your life into one suitcase!
How am I actually gonna manage that? There are so many things I want to bring. I really must plan this in detail. What should I not bring, what is really important, what can I […]
16th of July – 23th of July
Those are the dates that crazy Ullis is coming to be very blonde together with me in Málaga. I´ts gonna be so much fuuuuuuuun!!!! I can´t beleive it. It´s been so long. It can´t go […]
It´s gonna be su much fun!!!!
Ullis is looking for plaine tickets to Málaga. She IS gonna come visit me! I´m so happy! I am jumping!!!!! She will come sometime between week 29 and 31. And if Katharina comes she will […]
Even though
Even though I´m very nervous about going to Málaga on my own, I´m gonna make the best out of it! It´s a shame though that my sister and her aussie boyfriend will go to Spain […]
Veckorna går fort framåt!
Nu är det drygt 2,5 veckor kvar tills jag åker iväg. Jag ser fram emot det med skräckblandad förtjusning. Det känns vant och skönt att åka någonsstans där jag redan varit, plugga på samma skola, […]