Yes..thats correct. Im gonna work a few hours a week as a swedish teacher as it seems. Its gonna be fun. Im also, as it seems, gonna try out a job on monday at a nice restaurant/bar but first early on monday morning I have to go to the head police station and to seguridad social to get my spanish security number. Have to have it to work legal. I really want that job cuz its such a nice place and there will be many hours to work. I neeeeeed!
Tonight im gonna go to a dinner…we are saying goodbye to the sweetest italian girl Giulia (Julia). She´s cooking italian AGAIN so its gonna be great. After that we´re going out as allways.
Have more or less a relationship with a guy from venezuela, Luis, but even though I like him very much its not gonna last forever though he´s not gonna stay in Malaga for long and I dont know what my plans are either. Anyway…he is great. The funniest and most loving guy ever. Well…no wonder he is funny…he is actually a clown 🙂 Its true!!!!! We had some problems understanding our views of life but I think we understand eachother now.
Has another friend (friend of his) who´s from Argentina, Mauro, who also is more or less a clown and he is going to Madrid this weekend and on monday he is gonna try out for a circus school there. I really hope he makes it cuz he is so good 🙂
Yes, I have some strange friends 🙂
Probably not coming home until christmas as it seems. Long time!!!!
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