One of my number one goals!

One of my number one goals this spring has been to lose all the extra kilos I gained during last fall. I´m there now. I lost 9 kilos since the end of february and a couple of more since january. I´m very proud of myself but at the same time I´m a bit angry at myself for even letting myself gain that much. When I lost 30 kilos 6 years ago I promised myself to never be overweight again. I manage to keep that promise to myself for five years. That´s kind of good actually. A lot of people losing that amount of weight have a hard time struggling with keeping their weight afterwards. Well, I gained a lot last fall. Not as much as I had lost, but enough to be a little over weight again. I have three more kilos left to lose before I have reached my ideal weight.

I will not reach that goal before I go to Málaga, because it´s only 8 days left. But my goal was to be down on 60 kilos at the time i leave Sweden, and that could happen. I´m down at 61 now.

Well, what has this to do with a travel diary! A lot actually to make myself feel good about myself when I´m away. It might seem shallow but…well…

No swedish version today….

About Malin 284 artiklar
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

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