Its been a while…

God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen.

Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I was at in July. My own choise. I was sick so often in July so I missed a lot of classes and did not have the energy to study at home.

Im looking for a new flat now cuz I only have a contract until the end of August. Looked at one right next doors today. A flat exactly the same as the one I live in now. Nice girls my age but they have a big dog, and I dont like dogs. Looked at another as well, 5 minutes from where I live now. New flat with new furniture. Really nice. With two very nice girls in there early twenties. One from Spain and the other from Argentina. I think Im gonna go for that one. Dont even have to pay any deposit. So good. One of the girls living there is recovering from cancer in her trouth. But she is well now 🙂

On friday Im going with my friend Marta (spanish girl) to Ola Festiva 2 hours drive from here. Its a music festival and artist and groups coming are for example Björk and Kula Shaker. Its only a one day festival but we are staying over night and its gonna be so great.

Katharina was here for a week. We had som great times but in the end we had some arguments. Well, life goes on.

On friday begins the Feria in Malaga. 9 days of party in the streets and outside of Malaga. Its suppose to be the biggest street party in Andalucia.

Okidok…I dont know when Im gonna write again, I just know that Im gonna stay here in Spain for a while.


About Malin 284 artiklar
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

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