I´m not writing very often and so much is happening all the time. Everything is good except that Maria moved out yesterday and that Maki leaves in a couple of days and mr strange guy moved in today. But Maki is just moving to another flat in the building so it´s okey. Maria is moving to her hometown.
I have been going out a lot. For exampel last friday we went to a place, me, Mark, Tiina, Luca and a friend of Mark, where you can buy one liter of shots for 10 Euros. Dangerous! After that plays we went to White. Had some drinks and went on to Sound (which I dont like) and we ended our night at Liseo. I liked that place. The people were spanish and a little bit older than at the other clubs. And a lot of good looking guys as well. Met a really cute guy there. Don´t know if I´m gonna see him again, but it was fun.
Tomorrow I´m gonna meet Macarena nr 2 at 10 in a bar in Pedregalejo. She´s a friend of Pepa. It´s gonna be fun. Met her once or twice when me and Pepa shared a flat in 2006. She is my age so I´m looking forward to it a little extra.
And on thursday I´m gonna go to Torremolinos to meet a nice guy from Peru. I really need to practise my spanish and get to know more spanish speaking people.
Ullis I´m counting the days for your arrival. Damn we are gonna have a great time!
No swedish verison. By the way. Uploaded pics yesterday….
En LITER shots? ah det verkar som om jag valt helt rätt semesterplejs 😉
Jag vill åka NU NU NU 🙂