Even though

Even though I´m very nervous about going to Málaga on my own, I´m gonna make the best out of it! It´s a shame though that my sister and her aussie boyfriend will go to Spain in July without coming to see me in Málaga. And at the time they´re in Barcelona I will probably not have any time over to go see them in Barcelona. At least it seams like Katharina from Germany is comming to see me in the beginning of August. But what would really make me happy is if Ulrika will come visit. Pleeeeaaaase darling come visit me in Málaga. Two blonds doing Málaga together. It could not be any better! Hahahahahaha!

I miss Pepa a lot. I will not be the same being in Málaga when she´s not there. But she told me she will probably go to Cadiz sometime this summer, and I can come visit her there. I absolutely will, if I get the oppurtunity 🙂

There are lots of things I want to do while I am in Málaga. I did not go to Granada the last time, nor did I go to Sevilla. I will absolutely have to do more stuff this time. Anyway, i will have more money this time it seems like.

I´m gonna miss Johanna, Sofie, Anna (and her baby which will be born soon), her sister Anna and Anna H so much. In my heart I have already decided to stay longer in Spain than the three months I signed up for. If not in Málaga, I will go else where. Maybe to Barcelona. I have an old friend from high school who works as a DJ there. At least I think he does.


It´s almost 2am and I am wide awake. I have been talking to Pepa on the messenger. I miss her so much! She is so great. She is actually hooking me up with a friend of hers in Málaga (I met her once). That would be so great, going out with spanish girls my age. That´s what I should be focusing on right now. Friends!!!

Buenas noches!

About Malin 284 artiklar
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

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