Sitter pa ett Internetcafe i Staffin pa norra Skye, billigt och bra. Allt fungerar, jag kan lasa alla mail och posta mina dagbocker!!!
Ner genom Glen Coe i forrgar hade vi med oss en liftare, som jag inte kan beratta om just nu, det ar hemligt 🙂 Om nagra dagar gar det battre!
Igar akte vi fran Glen Nevis och fortsatte upp i the Highlands mot Skye. Har ar naturen riktigt vacker. Vi akte ut till Eilean Donan Castle, ett gammalt slott som forstordes av engelsmannen efter Jacobiternas uppror 1719, men som byggdes upp igen i borjan av 1900-talet. For er som har sett Highlander sa ar det borgen i borjan av filmen.
Sedan fortsatte vi over ett bergspass (brant uppfor, ganska otackt tyckte i alla fall U) till Glenelg for att se nagra gamla jarnaldersbosattningar, riktigt imponerande. Darifran tog vi varldens minsta bilfarja (rymde bara 4 bilar) over till Skye. Sedan borjade elandet. Vagen gick uppfor en bergssida som som stupade brant utfor till vanster. Vagen var enfilig med motesplatser, och lokalbefolkningen kor SNABBT pa vagarna. Pa ett stalle hade jag flera hundra meters stup ned till vanster. Jag hade just passerat en motesplats och en (smal) bro nar jag fick ett plotsligt mote. Den motande bilen kunde omojligt backa uppfor, sa jag var tvungen att backa utfor den smala vagen, over den smala bron, och backa in pa motesplatsen… Och aven om det hade funnits nagonstans att vanda sa hade farjan slutat ga for dagen, sa vi var tvugna att fortsatta. Varre an sa kan det nog inte bli.
Idag, onsdag, kor vi norrut pa Skye, och har just atit en god lunch med fantastisk utsikt.
Right now I’m at an Internet cafe in Staffin, northern Skye. Everything works, I can read my email, yesterday my husband’s emails got blocked at the YHA…
Here’s a teaser for you, going down through Glen Coe I picked up a hitcher, a mystery man! I can’t tell you more about him right now, I promised to keep it a secret, but keep reading my posts and I’ll tell you eventuelly 🙂
Yesterday we left Glen Nevis and kept going through the beautiful Highlands towards Skye. It is very beautiful here! In Dornie we went to see Eilean Donan Castle, ruined by the English during the Jacobean uprising in 1719, and rebuilt a hundred years ago. If you’ve seen Highlander, it’s the castle right at the beginning of the movie, where the highlander is carried after he is deadly wounded.
From Dornie we took the road to Glenelg, to see the Glenelg Iron Age Brochs. Impressive that they could build like that so long ago. The road to Glenelg was quite step as it wound up the mountinside, I was a bit scared. From Glenelg we took what must be the smallest ferry in the world to Kylerhea on Skye, with room for only 4 cars. This is where things got really bad. The road was a steep single track road with passing places, and a precipice to the left. Oncoming traffic was fast (locals, they know the road…) and at one time I had just passed a passing place, a narrow bridge, and the precipice was worde than ever. And of course I meet a car. It was impossible for him to back up uphill, so I had to back down the narrow road, across the even more narrow brige, and then to the sid on the passing place… Extremely scary! And even if there had been a place to turm the ferry had stopped running for the day, so we had to go on. That’s about as bad as it gets. I think.
Today we’re headed north on Skye. I’ve been told that the roads won’t be as bad as yesterday, but am a bit worried. Anyway, we just had a great lunch at Columba 1400 in Staffin, and will now continue along the coast on the Trotternish Peninsula.
Idag, onsdag, kor vi norrut pa Skye, och har just atit en god lunch med fantastisk utsikt.
Oah! Fy tusa…. Vilket biläventyr! Värsta rysare!
Nyfiken på vem liftaren var -ser fram emot att veta.
Sköt om er!