I love Edinburgh

Igar var det annu en vacker morgon och vi bestamde oss for att aka till slottet. Bestallde en taxi for att mamma inte skulle behova ga den langa uppforsbacken till entren, vi blev framslappta extra langt. Sedan hann vi knappt kliva ur forran en vakt kom och fragade om vi ville aka deras ”complimentary vehicle” upp till ovre borgarden. Det ville vi forstas. Sa det kom en liten minibuss och korde upp oss, och tur var det for det var langt och brant. Daruppe blev vi motta av en annan vakt som tog oss med hiss till kronjuvelerna och gav oss en privat rundtur. Helt osannolikt, hit ska jag flytta. Fran ovre borggarden var det bara utfor, sa det klarade vi sjalva,aven om det tog lite tid. Vi at ocksa lunch pa slottskafeet, mkt trevligt.

Sedan tog vi en promenad nedfor Royal Mile och tittade i massor av affarer, samt Gladstone’s Land, ett kopmanshus fran 1600-talet.. Stannade pa puben World’s End, dar vi at middag.

Folk ar sa trevliga och hjalpsamma overallt! Idag var det mulet och duggregn, sa vi borjade dagen med ett besok pa Museum of Scotland. Vi kom lite tidigt, men blev inslappta anda, sa att mamma skulle slippa sta och vanta. Sa fick vi lana annu en rullstol, vilket underlattade mycket. Efter 4 timmar (inklusive lunch) akte vi till Princes Street for lite avslutande shopping (skicka mera pengar (joke)), och nu ikvall ska vi packa, vi ger oss av tidigt imorgon bitti.

Tyvarr kan vi inte lagga ut nagra bilder for datorerna har ar dels skruttiga, dels kommer man inte at USBn.


Yesterday we woke up to another beautiful morning and decided to visit the castle. A taxi took us all the way to the gate, where we were offered a ride to the upper courtyard with the castle’s complimentary vehicle, which we gracefully accepted 🙂 A steward met us and tokk us to see the crown jewel’s on what felt like a private tour. In my next life I want to be born as a Scots Woman. From the upper courtyard it was downhill all the way, so my mother could manage with my help, or as she put it ”I can do this, I’m so stubborn.”

After having lunch at the Castle Cafe, we continued down the Royal Mile, where we stopped to see Gladstone’s Land, an old building from the 17th century, where a lady went with us just to carry a folding chair for my mother. I tried to say that I could carry it, but no, she wanted to do it!

Today was cloudy with scattered showers, so we went to the Museum of Scotland. We arrived a bit early, but a steward let us in so that my mother wouldn’t have to stand and wait. While we waited for the clock to turn 10 he fetched a wheelchair, which of course was immensly helpful. After 4 hours of Scottish history and a nice lunch we continued to Princes Street for some shopping. I found a nice t-shirt at a small tourist/kilt/bagpipe shop that I wanted to try on, I guess that I should have been suspicious when I saw the selective entrance to the fitting room. I could hardly squeeze through the opening (it was a door blocked more than halfway by a shelf). I guess that if you stop larger people from using the fittingrooms you can sell all the small t-shirts. They were too small for me 🙁

No photos yet, I can’t access the USB on the computers here.

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