Weekly Report I

Hej Sverige! Jag har haft nastan obefintlig kontakt med er darhemma sedan jag kom hit, for jag har verkligen haft fullt upp. Men ni ska veta att allt ar bara bra med mig, jag hoppas pa detsamma med er. Varje fredag skickar vi i organisationen in en rapport om vad vi gjort, tanker och kanner. Jag slangde ihop min idag, i sista minuten som vanligt. Jag lagger upp den till er i vantan pa ett riktigt dagboksinlagg som jag skriver da jag har mer tid.


It has now been five days in PREDA, but it feels much longer since there are many impressions every day.

On Sunday I was picked up by Sheila, after a tiring but pleasant flight. On the way here we also picked up Fruzsina and Zsofi from Hungary. The three of us felt very excited about what PREDA would be like.

My first thought after coming here was that the children express so much joy and happiness despite of the circumstances in their life. That is a very fascinating thing about children, their most often optimistic way to look at life, to appreciate the small things. It also seems to be a good atmosphere in PREDA, which encourages this quality.

On Monday I was introduced to the different department. This was a good start; To get orientated within the organization and through this gain a better understanding of its mission, how you help on different levels to reach the goal of children’s welfare.

I also participated in the Feeding-project, which was an overwhelming experience. I thought the children would focus on the food and not care much about us visitors, but it was almost the other way around. Just like the children in PREDA, they made a very cheerful impression. They seem to be in an immense need for physical attachment, especially the boys, or maybe the girls were too shy to ask for the hugs. It was a bit challenging to keep the distance without pushing the children away. I think it’s much about your own boundaries, what you feel comfortable with, but it’s also important to keep in mind what’s for your own satisfaction and what’s for the best of the children. It’s essential not getting too close since us volunteers will leave again.

On Tuesday there was a meeting with Fr Shay about my research and I was very pleased about the guidelines. On Wednesday I joined the meeting about the fight for the land of the indigenous people. It was a step in the right direction and considered a victory. It was appealing to attend such an important gathering. Yesterday we went to see some of the producers of fairtrade, making bags, slippers and products from volcanic stone. The fairtrade is vital, but my main interest is more into the projects that I’m assigned to for my research.

Today I met with CFC in order to talk about the instructions for my research. I was assigned to three cases, which are considered average situations for sexually abused girls in the Philippines. One of them regards prostitution and gang rape and the other two sexual abuses within the family, from the biological father as well as the stepfather. I had a glance through the files to get an opinion about the circumstances in the cases. Naturally it’s not pleasant reading even though I’ve read several cases about sexual abuse at home. Each case moves you. From my point of view, you should never get used to the tragedies. Together with the experience though, you find strategies that help you not to lose too much energy.

Later I will go to CICL to get three cases there as well. My first intention regarding the thesis was to focus on either the girls or the boys. But Fr Shay suggested me to go with both, and that was a recommend that I didn’t want to resist. It will be a good opportunity for me to get insight in two major concerns. Attaching them to each other in my thesis will be a challenge, but a very interesting one. There are of course links between the two groups, as both contain human beings with human needs, and it appeals to me to find this connection.

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