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Observera att jag behållit engelskan dom använde och inte översatt till svenska för att det ska bli så mycket ”dom” som möjligt.
Name: Vasudeo H. Malik (djursjukvårdare)
Birthday: 22nd of December (1977)
Siblings: No
Hobbies: Helping other person, volleyball, dancing, singing, drama, carpentering
Favourite subject in school: Maths
Dreams about life: Keep family, wife, daughter, mother and village happy. My aim. (Rich people not see poor people. Don’t need to be rich.)
Future plans: Marriage
Favourite food: Rice with green peas curry
Favourite drink: Coca cola
Favourite song: Enjoying songs/any song
What makes you angry: Someone not listening
What makes you sad: When I see handicap person
What makes you happy: Enjoying time I’m happy
Something you can’t live without: Food and wife
What you would bring to a desert island: My wife
Best thing that ever happened to you: Meeting girlfriend
Worst thing that ever happened to you: Jeep accident
If you have one wish, what would that be: Good marriage for Suvarna
Your best quality: Full of love
Your worst quality: When angry then really angry
Describe yourself: Joking person, social, can make everybody to my friends
What do you think about Sofia: Good girl, joking person, little angry then forget, then come enjoying
What is it that you are proud of about Goa: People are very nice
How do you want your future wife to be like: Beautiful and enjoyful
What is the meaning of life: Sometimes comes happy days, sometimes sad life. Not getting food, not getting response from people.
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