Intervju med Jetendra

Korta enkla intervjuer jag gjorde med människorna jag arbetade med!
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Name: Jetendra Krishna Shetye (djursjukvårdare)

Birthday: 24th of March (1985)

Siblings: One brother and one sister

Hobbies: Fishing, driving Pulser/Activa (motorcykel/vespa), football, making fun of girls, spending time with 10 girlfriends

Favourite subject in school: Konkani

Dreams about life: Want to go foreign contry, want to make parents happy and take care of them. Small rich.

Future plans: –

Favourite food: Chicken tandoori (and dog meat haha)

Favourite drink: Mountain dew (soft drink, like citrus)

Favourite song: Aashiq banaya aapne!

What makes you angry: Sofia’s hair

What makes you sad: When somebody angry with me, then sad.

What makes me happy: Girlfriend

Something you can’t live without: My parents and family

What you would bring to a desert island: Food (and beautiful girlfriend)

Best thing that ever happened to you: –

Worst thing that ever happened to you: Accident

If you have one wish, what would that be: Go foreign country

Your best quality: My arms!

Your worst quality: Looking into people’s windows haha

Describe yourself: Fascinated to girls and very sexy

What do you think about Sofia: Good because putting paper in the cages haha (vanligtvis Jetens uppgift)

What is it that you are proud of about India: Foreigner coming

How do you want your future wife to be like: Looking nice, no cheating, making my parents happy

What is the meaning of like: To help mother and father

About Sofia 98 artiklar
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