About Trine
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Näst sista dagen som tag team…:(

23 juli, 2005 0

Hej igen. Är fortfarande i Ao Nang, besökte den jättefina stranden igen idag men tyvärr var vädret inte lika fint..Fick lite färg iaf:) Sade hej då till det Skottska paret vi har hängt med de […]

Back in Thailand:)

21 juli, 2005 0

Hello! As you can see we went back to Thailand in search of sunshine, and we found it! As we wrote the last time Langkawi wasnt all we had excpected it to be, took the […]

Goodbye Thailand, Hello Malaysia!

18 juli, 2005 0

Hi So yesterday we left Khao Phanom and the orphanege. Some tears from our favourite kids (of course u get favourites!!) and a lot of hugs and kisses. Gonna miss them a lot, beautiful kids..very […]

The orphanhome part 2

14 juli, 2005 0

Sawatdee kha! So we had a pretty good weekend in Phi Phi islands, and we got pretty drunk as well on saturdaynight… amazing what a couple of buckets with vodka and red bull can do […]


9 juli, 2005 3

Hei og hopp! I dag har vi vært på stranden i timesvis, deilig! Ser dog ut som to kokte hummere…haha… I går gjorde vi ikke stort. Gikk på en salong og fikk pedicure, spiste god […]

Kho Phi Phi

8 juli, 2005 0

Hello! Finally we got to upload some more pictures, we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do! We are now in Phi Phi. Arrived here about 1630 so we haven’t done much […]

The orphanhome part 1

5 juli, 2005 2

Hey all! Last time we wrote any I was kind of sick, throwing up almost all that you could possible find inside my stomack… but after a quick visit to the doctor who gave me […]

Tears, hugs and stomach problems

1 juli, 2005 3

Hey all Just Madde checking in now, my good friend Trine is upstairs in our hotel trying to rest a bit. It has been a tuff day in many different ways. This morning trine felt […]

Nest siste dagen i Thai Muang

30 juni, 2005 2

Hei og hopp! I dag er det altså nest siste dagen her på skola i Thai Muang, tiden har gått veldig fort. Gårdagen var som alle andre dager fyllt med en rekke opplevelser og nye […]

Munkar, apor, himmel och helvete……

29 juni, 2005 3

Hejsan Igår var en händelserik dag. Kl 10.00 kom tre munkar till skolan varav en var tatuerad:), de undervisade ungarna om Buddahs läror. Vi satt och följde med så gott vi kunde..inte mycket vi förstod […]

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