About Trine
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Luang Prabang on a bike

8 december, 2006 1

The best way to get around and to get orientated in the city is simply to rent yourself a bike. You can find a nice bike almost everywhere for the price of 1 dollar, and […]

The long way to Laos

5 december, 2006 1

After almost a week in Chiang Mai, me and Per headed up to Laos. The long journey began on sunday at noon when we we’re packed in a mini bus that took us to the […]

Way up north

29 november, 2006 4

Chiang Mai…way up north…so cool and fresh compared to the busy life and the heat in Bangkok. Stepping off the bus at 7 in the morning on monday and inhaling the cold air almost felt […]

Life at the beach in Koh Samet

22 november, 2006 2

I had some wonderfull days since I left KL. Got to Koh Samet on monday night, a small island east of Bangkok, to see some friends of mine, Annika and Asa, which was great! I […]


12 november, 2006 0

I just have to write about this fantastic musician from KL. His name is Reza Salleh and I first saw and herad him at a Open Mic show at Liquid Bar last sunday. Open mic […]

Pre-farewell KL

12 november, 2006 0

Where to start? Time is passing by quickly now as always, I am leaving KL in less than a week. So weird to think about and I do not feel ready for it at all. […]

Time is closing in on me…

1 november, 2006 3

Time is really closing in on me. I’ll be leaving my beloved KL in matter of weeks, 17 days to be exactly. SEVENTEEN DAYS!!! Can you belive it? I am so NOT looking forward to […]

(Gay) Clubbing in KL

28 oktober, 2006 0

I had a fantastic Hari Raya, I can´t begin to describe how good is has been to have these days off from work. I really needed it. So what have I been up to then? […]

The Norwegian Mission

20 oktober, 2006 5

I am happy to tell you that the Norwegian selection mission is coming to Malaysia by the end of this month. They have confirmed to select 150 refugees from Myanmar for resettlement and will be […]

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