About Trine
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Back in Buduburam

17 juli, 2008 0

Hey, my travelblog have not been working for a while down here but finally I am online again so I will post two blogs in one as I have written them both a while ago […]

Back to Buduburam :)

9 juli, 2008 4

Hey all you wonderful people!!! Once again I have packed my backpack and this time I am heading back to Buduburam and Ghana to do some more volunteer work, visit friends and family and spend […]

On my way home

29 december, 2007 2

As I am writing my final journal for now I am sitting at Heathrow waiting for my connection flight to Stockholm. My plans changed once again due to various reasons so I have left my […]

Life and love

19 december, 2007 1

Still Africa – but not so strange anymore. Somewhat more like home these days. People know me now. Everywhere I go people greet me and call my name. Not to mention that I am treated […]

Change of plans

5 december, 2007 2

As always there has been a change of plans… For those of you who knows me well I guess this does no come as a big surprise lol 🙂 However, due to various and very […]

Closing In

29 november, 2007 2

Time is closing in on me. My stay in Buduburam is coming to an end and as much as I am looking forward to get a brake from it all (as I am a totally […]

T.I.A, part 3

19 november, 2007 1

It is the small things and incidents that kind of make us refer to T.I.A. All those odd things that would never happen back home but that happens here every day, all the things people […]


8 november, 2007 1

Just got an sms from my mum complaining about the fact that I have not written in ages so here I go… ELEPHANTASTIC!!! We have just been on a 5 days roadtrip around the whole […]

T.I.A, part 2

23 oktober, 2007 2

There are chickens everywhere. In the streets, in the schools, in the shops, in the houses, on the tro tros…everywhere I go I see chickens. Chickens! Everywhere! And there is garbage and waste disposal everywhere. […]

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