About Malin
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

One of my number one goals!

21 maj, 2008 0

One of my number one goals this spring has been to lose all the extra kilos I gained during last fall. I´m there now. I lost 9 kilos since the end of february and a […]

Weather issues….

19 maj, 2008 1

I tried to pack my suitcase just to see how much I can bring to Málaga. It´s gonna be tight! I´m the worst person when it comes to packing smart. That´s kind of funny because […]

To fit your life into one suitcase!

17 maj, 2008 0

How am I actually gonna manage that? There are so many things I want to bring. I really must plan this in detail. What should I not bring, what is really important, what can I […]

16th of July – 23th of July

16 maj, 2008 0

Those are the dates that crazy Ullis is coming to be very blonde together with me in Málaga. I´ts gonna be so much fuuuuuuuun!!!! I can´t beleive it. It´s been so long. It can´t go […]

It´s gonna be su much fun!!!!

15 maj, 2008 0

Ullis is looking for plaine tickets to Málaga. She IS gonna come visit me! I´m so happy! I am jumping!!!!! She will come sometime between week 29 and 31. And if Katharina comes she will […]

Even though

15 maj, 2008 2

Even though I´m very nervous about going to Málaga on my own, I´m gonna make the best out of it! It´s a shame though that my sister and her aussie boyfriend will go to Spain […]


14 maj, 2008 1

I´m gonna try to write some of the diarys here in english so even some of my international friends will be able to read. So this is the first one…. It´s only 15 days left […]

Veckorna går fort framåt!

12 maj, 2008 1

Nu är det drygt 2,5 veckor kvar tills jag åker iväg. Jag ser fram emot det med skräckblandad förtjusning. Det känns vant och skönt att åka någonsstans där jag redan varit, plugga på samma skola, […]


20 april, 2008 0

Det ar ratt och kallt i London. Ni har betydligt battre och varmare vader hemma vad jag har forstatt. Man blir inte sa inspirerad nar det hanger regn i luften. Vi har i alla fall […]

Då far vi då…

17 april, 2008 0

Då får vi mot london i eftermiddag för en långhelg. Vi kanske kommer att besöka Camden Crawl på imorgon eller på lördag så det kan nog bli lite festligt. För er som inte vet vad […]

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