About Malin
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

Its been a while…

13 augusti, 2008 0

God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen. Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I […]

Its been a while…

13 augusti, 2008 0

God I did not write for a while. Sorry for that. I dont know why I dont write…it just dont happen. Well…everything is good. My spanish is improving even though Im redoing the level I […]

Not writing often enough

16 juli, 2008 0

I dont know why I´m not writing more often, I just dont feel like it. I party a lot, maybe I would have more to write about if I went on trips and stuff. But […]

Time to rest

6 juli, 2008 0

Time to rest. I have been partying for for days this week. Wednesday to saturday. And I did not think that I could do that. Had a ”date” with a really nice guy yesterday. His […]


1 juli, 2008 1

I´m not writing very often and so much is happening all the time. Everything is good except that Maria moved out yesterday and that Maki leaves in a couple of days and mr strange guy […]

Hurting ribs/Omma revben

23 juni, 2008 0

I constantly sick here in Spain. First the sunstroke, than eyeinfection, then problems with blisters on my feet and a toenail almost falling off. No I have had problems with my throught for more than […]


20 juni, 2008 2

Hi everybody! I havent been writing in a while because I still dont have internet. I am at the melting pot now, using the computer. Well…my spanish is getting better and better. I never speak […]

Visiting the hostel

14 juni, 2008 1

I just left two days ago and I´m already here visiting and partying a little. Great! Everything is going great. I live with a really nice spanish young girl. We don´t have internet, but I […]

På svenska / in swedish

12 juni, 2008 0

Skriver en svensk dagbok idag. Sitter just nu på hotstlet i väntat på att Mark och Luca ska komma och hjälpa mig att bära mina väskor till bussen och sen till nya lägenheten. Det kommer […]


11 juni, 2008 0

I went to court yesterday for a trial. The guy who stole my bay never showed up. It took about 10 minutes. I just had to explane for the judge what have happend. Kind of […]

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