Bang Kwang Prison

15 januari, 2007 1

To day I did one of the hardest things I ever done, but at the same time – one of the best. I went to Bang Kwang Prison to visit Michael Connell whom I stumbeld […]

3 nights in Bangkok

14 januari, 2007 1

I have had 3 nights of great fun since arriving in Bangkok, haven’t spent much time on my own at all. That’s the part I really love about Bangkok and Khao San Road, you never […]

The children in Thai Muang

11 januari, 2007 0

It is truly great to be back in Thai Muang again, I did not realize that I have been missing the people here as much as I have discovered that I have during these last […]

Going separate ways

8 januari, 2007 2

After spending more or less ever day together for the last 7 weks me and Per have now split up and gone separate ways for the rest of our travels. Per is heading some where […]

Staphylococcus aureus…

5 januari, 2007 1

Of all things that can happen, I am now sitting in Koh Phangan with a somewhat bad staphylococcus infection in my left eye 🙁 The doctor was not so happy when I came in to […]

Yes, we are still alive ;)

3 januari, 2007 0

Sicne my mum apparently made a lot of phone calls to find out if me and Per are still alive and all ok I realized that it was about time to write something and make […]


24 december, 2006 4

Me and Per just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you all, so: MERRY CHRISTAMS!!! So far we have spent the day on the beach, getting a real nice tan, reading books, swimming in the […]

2 x Hospital

22 december, 2006 1

Since last time I wrote we have ben to the hospital 2 times (!!) as Per got really ill the last night on Don Det. He managed luckely to get on the bus to Ubon […]

Keep walking in your own shoes

14 december, 2006 5

Surprise, surprise…they do have internet in 4000 islands 🙂 And that is good as we are changing our plans again, hehe! But first I’ll have to give you a real up-date from our stay in […]

Update from Laos

11 december, 2006 1

Hey you all, just wanted to inform you that me and Per are going down to 4000 islands tonight and that I’ll probally won’t be able to check my email or write anything here for […]

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