A short update

3 oktober, 2007 0

Michelle got out of the hospital monday night and then returned to camp yesterday afternoon. However the doctors at the hospital did not find out what was wrong with her (the malaria test was negative […]


1 oktober, 2007 1

So this have been one of the worst weekends I have had in a long time. Not all of it has been bad, but pretty much… Started off with the fact that Phyllis was leaving […]


29 september, 2007 3

Oh I am so excited!!! I am in the middle of planning a peace day here at camp together with SHIFSD and NETLOG (the two organizations that I am working with) as well as the […]


27 september, 2007 0

Obroni means white person in Tri, which is the native language here in Ghana. I get called obroni wherever I go these days. Either that or the kids will giggle and scream “white lady” , […]

Cape Coast and the Door of No Return

24 september, 2007 1

This weekend I went to Cape Coast to see and explore some of Ghana and West Africa’s beautiful coastline as well as to learn about the horrendous history of the slave trade that went on […]


24 september, 2007 1

So here comes a little background information on the Budumburam Refugee Settlement where I am currently working as an intern at SHIFSD, so that you can get an idea on how it looks like and […]

Here I am…

19 september, 2007 2

So here I am…it is HOT HOT HOT. I am sweating and being stared at, it is caotic and noisy, it is exiting and scary… so all in all I guess I can say that […]

On the road again…

17 september, 2007 4

Dear all (swedes, malaysians, englishmen and women, norwegians, indians, germans, frencies, austrians, irish people and all the rest of you that will be following me on my journey to Africa)! I can’t believe I am […]

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