Before you start reading I do hope you are sitting down as the news I am about to crack might hit you with great surprise Are you sitting down already? Ok, here we go: I am getting married!!! MARRIED!!!! M – A – R – R – I – E – D!!!! Me – getting MARRIED!!! I AM GETTING MARRIED! I will spell it for you again: M – A – R – R – I – E – D!!!
So whom am I getting married to? Well, some of you know and some of you don’t know that I met the most amazing person the last time I was here in Buduburam. That amazing someone was Samuel, and by the time I left I was very much in love with him in a way I could not have imagined. Ever since I got back home we have been staying in touch but as time passed by things kind of cooled down (as they always do when you get back to your normal everyday life at home) and I started more and more to let the thought of us being together go as I hate going around being sad because I long and miss someone who I can not see or be with when I feel like it and want to and need to. And as I know that for us to be able to be together it would take a great deal of time, money and hard work going through all the bureaucracy that comes with immigration laws in our gated world. Not to forget that we have not known each other for a very long time and it seemed absolutely crazy to throw my self into something that would change everything and turn my life somewhat up side down… But here I am, back in Buduburam and together with my dear Samuel again. Back in my baby’s arms and in love more than ever. And all I can say is that I have never been more sure about anything in my life than I am now about Samuel and me. I never thought that love could feel so natural and so certain. I just know that Samuel is the one I want to be with, the one I want to have children with and the one I want to grow old with. So on Saturday the 30th of August we are getting married and I will say the magic two words to Samuel: I DO! I do, I do, I DO!!!
Whish you all could have been with me here on this magical day, however I promise there will be a big wedding reception by the time Samuel is back home with me and that there also will be held a traditional African wedding in Liberia when the time comes. Until then and until we all shall meet again – take care and be sure to tell someone you love that you do
Heaps and heaps of love from the both of us,
T & S
Grattis! kan inte vara gladare för din skull! saknar dig puss jenny (mitt i mot)
Åiåi, gratulerer så mye Trine! Jeg gleder meg til å møte dere. All lykke videre!
Jätte grattis. Många kramar från mig
no bi e heilt på gråten.så flott:-) lille,snille,søte,tøffe trine mi. for en heldig mann samulel er. du må hilse han fa meg. løøøøv ju.
hisen hilde