About health

I am sure I mentioned it last time while in Buduburam but it won’t hurt to say it again – the health and sanitation situation on camp SUCKS! Yesterday we had a small hospital in our house as Samuel, Ibi and Safari all tested positive for Malaria and UTI and needed to get a three hours drip treatment. Since my mum works in a small private clinic on camp she brought the
medication with the necessary equipment to our place and all the boys could rest, lying down in our beds while getting their treatment. Quite amazing I must say, would never happen back home lol. But at least they got treatment, this way they will all get well, at least for a while, at least until the malaria strikes back again…

I also took the liberty to send all the guys to get tested for HIV and STI’s. All came out clean from the HIV, but as the doctor knows that Samuel is together with me, the white rich lady (!!!), he told Samuel that he had syphilis and that he needed to pay the doctor 90 dollars to get four days of treatment. I could not believe it. I mean – syphilis? Come on?! I immediately called my mum Debrah and asked how this could be which upon she replied that it could not and that the doctor had told her that Samuel was ok and clean. So we figured out that the doctor just wanted to get some money for him self, but to be sure we went to a private clinic in Accra the day after to see a doctor there instead – and guess what? NO F****ING SYPHILIS! The doctor in Accra got so angry with the doctor on camp and needless to say that so did I. I can not believe that someone can lie about such a serious disease and not even offer consulting or advise or nothing – just saying: “pay me 90 dollar and you will be ok”. Can you believe what could have happened if we gave Samuel four days of syphilis treatment in vain??? MY GOD! I AM SO FURIOUS! I get so f***ing tired of getting treated differently because I am white or watching my Liberian family getting treated differently because they are Liberian. I hate it. It hate it. I HATE IT!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I hate the fact that most people I know here can not afford to go to the hospital to check if they have malaria or any other disease for that matter, and if they get sick they can not even afford the medicine they need. And just to let you know how awful it can be- if you happen to be in labour you need to bring your own soap, towels, sanitary pads and whatever else you might need in order to deliver a baby. And you have to pay for it too – whether you are 30 and married or 15 and left alone on the street. JESUS CHRIST! What kind of world are we living in? Huh? What kind of world is this??? Please make sense to it all cause right now it does not make sense to me what so ever! I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Anyways, all in all the guys are doing fine and have responded well to the medication and the girl who gave birth the other day is doing great too, so at least all is well in the end. But then again, all is well only because we are here. Because we care about these people and have the means to help them. After we leave they are left to whatever God might bring them. If there is a God that is…


About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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