African Food

I am sitting on my livingroom floor listening to the voices of Samuel and his friends standing in the kitchen cooking African food for me and the rest of the girls. The smell of fish, meat, rice and potatoe-greens is tickling under my nose and I just can not wait to eat – JUMMY! African food – gotta love it ☺ And I love having people in the house – talking, eating, playing games and sharing fun. Everyday life in Buduburam –aaaaaah!

Next weekend I will bring the boys to the beach, not to often they get to go there as it is a money issue as always. Anyways, I am so excited and I just know we will have some great fun. Swimming, playing around, dancing on the beach at night…aaaaahhhhh….want to go there nooooooooooooooow ☺

So yes, I am still enjoying my time here in Buduburam, things are just getting better and better by the hour. I love Africa. I’m in love with Africa. I am in love in Africa. And of course I am already planning my next trip here, which will be to Liberia as everyone here is going back home now. So sometime around end of summer next year or so I should be in Liberia having a fabulous time – can’t wait lol!

Xoxo from a Trine high on Africa ☺

Alisa baby: I send you tons of love from mum and dad and the rest of our CUSH family! We’ll definitely hook up and meet sometime this fall, can’t wait to see you again! And like I said just above, I will be going to Liberia next year and nothing would be better than going there with you sister ☺ Hugs n kisses, T.

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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