Life and love

Still Africa – but not so strange anymore. Somewhat more like home these days. People know me now. Everywhere I go people greet me and call my name. Not to mention that I am treated like an African dancing queen after last weekends dance performance. Needless to say it was a great success lol. We had so much fun and peoples reactions and comments under and after the show were great! I regret that the whole thing is over but I am still going to dance class 3 times a week and drum class 2 times a week. Of course we have it all on video, which I hope to get my hands on sometime soon so I can post it on youtube lol!

So Peace Day came and went. In an african perspective you could say that everything went well…most importantly, all the kids had fun, fun, FUN!!! So my mission is accomplished, my goal is reached and I have retired from most of my work here in Buduburam and have been relaxing the last week and focusing on other stuff that I want to do here – like working more at the Cultural Centre by conducting workshops as well as helping them structure up the organizational challenges they face. However I will continue with my Peer Mediation Workshops as well as I will work full time with the women’s and the beads project. Oh…did I really just say that I was retiring from most of my work here? Hm…I guess I got it all wrong huh? I will probably be working more, just with other things lol. Do not think I will manage not to work much while here. Like I said, there are so much to be done and I continuously feel like I am not doing enough though I do know that I am doing more than enough. Did that make any sense to you at all? T.I.A? Ah…it makes sense to me anyways and I guess that is what counts when it all comes down to it. I will for sure get some rest and relaxation when I get back home. Sing me up for a day at the spa will you mum?!? ?

However, despite that I am somewhat overworked and emotional tired I love my life here. I am in love with Buduburam lol. I feel so grateful for coming here as it have changed me in so many ways and as it have given me many new experiences, insights, perspectives and a lot of great friends as well as an African father and mother lol. I have this whole new family here that have taken me in as their daughter. I am loved. I feel loved. And at the end of the day, feeling loved weighs up for everything else.

Talking about love…Christmas is coming up soon. And Christmas is supposed to be spent with people you love and people who love you. I know that most people consider Christmas to be a family time. But here, not all people have a family. Not anymore that is. Some people here do not have love in their life either. They do not love cause they are afraid to love. Cause they are afraid of loosing those who they love as they already all have lost someone they did love. And not everyone feel loved either. In that honour I feel blessed, as I know that I am loved and that I have love and that I do love. If any of you for some reason feel unloved be sure that I love you very much and that I am always with you where ever I am. In my heart and in my mind. And do not forget to tell someone you love that you do! I LOVE YOU!


About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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