Closing In

Time is closing in on me. My stay in Buduburam is coming to an end and as much as I am looking forward to get a brake from it all (as I am a totally exhausted and an emotional wreck these days), I am at the same time not looking forward to leave. To much stuff I want to do still, and to little time. To much love to give to to many people, and to little time. To many things unsaid, and to little time to say it. *SIGH*

Anyways. Danceshow is on saturday which hopefully will be a success 🙂 I am a bit nervous but the respones we have gotten so far is great so I guess there is no real need to worrie about it. And on saturday night we will be hitting the 18 and party with all the others on camp, joining the saturday disco inferno lol. Sunday will be spent at the beach with my dear sister Tui who sadly will be leaving me on monday. I will cry heaps and heaps and heaps and then some more…*SIGH*

And then next saturday Peace Day is coming up and hopefully that will be a great success too. It is what I have been working towards for all this time, getting people together to arrange a day where the whole Buduburam community celebrates peace 🙂 And after that my work here is through, with the organizations that is. I will for sure be continuing to work with BLING and the womens project after I leave too and with the grace of God (as they say it here) I will be back in Buduburam by june/july next year to follow up the projects and make sure they are sustainable and going in the right direction. Time will show huh?

Well, just wanted to give you a short update about life here. Despite the fact that I am a wreck I am still loving every minute of my time here. I AM IN LOVE WITH BUDUBURAM 🙂 AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!

Hugs n kisses

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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