Update from Buduburam Refugee Camp

I realized I have not written in quite some time now so I guess an update on my life in Buduburam is appropriate ?

The last two weeks has passed by in a tremendous speed, I can not really make out where time went and what I have been up to except from work, work, work ? I suppose that is a good sign, means I am back on track and living a normal everyday life here in Buduburam now, together with my obroni family: Tui, Jessie, T-H, Sam and Michelle (do not know what I would do without them to be honest, they make my world here in so many ways (still miss you Phyllis!!!)).

One thing we have done which is a lot of fun is enrolling in dance classes at the Cultural Centre at camp! Three times a week we are being taught how do dance traditional Liberian dances and on the 1st of December we will be arranging a dance show together with the other dance students in order to fundraise money for the Cultural Center so they can maintain the building and their activities. I am sure the people at camp will get a laugh of a lifetime watching us obronis dance, but it is all for the better good of it so I do not mind making a fool out of myself! I am sure it will be fun and I will fore sure dance, laugh and enjoy myself. With any luck this event might be available for watching at youtube later on lol ?

Another project I am working on at the moment are an Abandoned Children’s/Orphans Jewelry sale. My friend Jessie came up with the brilliant idea in order to help provide a sustainable income for abandoned children and orphans of the Buduburam refugee camp. At present, these children reside in homes that rely on begging and sponsorship from abroad, both of which are unsustainable. By selling the ceramic beaded jewelry through key tourist destinations, children can themselves raise money for education, medical and food funds.

Jessie and me will provide an initial donation of US$200 worth of beads for the children to make an assortment of bracelets and necklaces. These will be sold at stalls, where the children’s own creation will accompany a photo and description of the children’s situation. Further, it will outline how many bracelets need to be bought to achieve one semester education, or malaria medication etc. As tourists buy bracelets, they will see how their purchases bring the child 2, 3 or 4 cedies closer to their goal. Once the initial beads run out and they have a base income, they will need to keep some of the money to buy new beads and keep the project going.

Jessie and me plan to buy around $100 of jewelry from the children. When we return back home to Australia and Sweden/Norway, we plan to hold a fundraiser where we sell these for around $25 – $50 a piece, and the collected money will be sent back to further boost their funds to support the business. We will try to encourage similar projects by tourists who are moved by the children’s suffering and want to contribute to their future.

So if any of you find interest in helping these children you are more than welcome to. On behalf of the children, I hope that some of you would be able to sponsor our Jewelry for Education project by either buying the jewelry itself or donate anything from 1 dollar and up. I think it would make a great Christmas present, both for you and the children ?



Sharifi: Me love you long time too ? Ha ölen redo i april, bir hur bra som helst!
Kram kram kram

Kilan: Tack det samma gumman! Kramar

Pia: Haha, jo öl hjälper på ibland ? Hoppas allt är bra med dig! Några nya resplaner? Kram kram

Ole: Kul att du läser min resdagbok! Hälsa alla så mycket från mig!

Christoph: Thank you for your kind words, as always ? Hope to see you soon! All the best from your friend, T.

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

1 kommentar påUpdate from Buduburam Refugee Camp

  1. Kjære Trine!
    Ser at du står på og har det bra. Vi har vært på høstferie sørpå. Skulle hilse så mye fra alle der. Elisabeth vil gjerne ha tilgang til dagboka, så jeg skal sende nettadressen til henne. Vi kjøper selvsagt et armbånd hos deg.
    Ellers har vi det bra. Ta godt vare på deg selv. Gla i de!
    Masse suss og klem fra pappa

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