So this have been one of the worst weekends I have had in a long time. Not all of it has been bad, but pretty much… Started off with the fact that Phyllis was leaving Buduburam and going back home to Texas, which sucks cause she’s such a fantastic and lively person that really made our group perfect in so many ways (Phyllis –we miss you already girl!). Anyhow, the original plan was to go to Accra on Saturday afternoon, but as you know things tend to change so we decided at the last second to go to the beach at Kokrobite where they have live reggae music on the weekends. A perfect way so spend Phyllis’ last night in Ghana ? Going to Kokrobite, or I might say that going any where in this country is a bit of a challenge when it comes to public transport. The cheapest is to take one of the many trou trous (like a small mini bus which they pack with people) from the roadside to where ever you want to go. So we did, quite an adventure I can tell you. Most of the trou trous looks and feel like they will fall apart any day in addition to the fact that they drive like crazy here. I read somewhere that Ghana statistically is on the top 3 list when it comes to car accidents, which kind of proved to be right as we only got off the trou trou when a car smashed into another on the other side of the road…

In order to get to Kokrobite beach we needed to take a taxi from where the trou trou dropped us off. And to make a long story short one of us got in an argument with the taxi driver who tried to rip us off and it turned ugly and physical, adding up with being surrounded by an quite aggressive mob who tried to lock one of us in the taxi and let the taxi take off with her. Needless to say we were scared shitless but we managed to get ourselves out of it, leaving the taxi driver and the mob in a state of shock…Took us a beer or two to shake it all off before shaking our ass off at the dancefloor later on lol. The night ended good anyways with a bonfire and a night swim ?

But then tonight (Sunday) after returning to Buduburam Michelle got really sick with fever and numbness until the point she could not feel her body. She is currently in the hospital getting treatment for malaria, but as the lab are closed until tomorrow morning we are not hundred prosent sure if it is malaria or not. But I recon it probably is malaria as the chance of getting it here is BIG despite the fact that we are all eating malaria-prophylaxis. Just realized as I am writing that I just got bitten by a mosquito…wow don’t I feel great…

So quite some weekend huh? Ten more exciting weeks to go for me lol ? But no worries, I am still going strong!

Heaps of love to all of you!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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