Oh I am so excited!!! I am in the middle of planning a peace day here at camp together with SHIFSD and NETLOG (the two organizations that I am working with) as well as the students enrolled in the Accelerated learning Program (ALP). *weeeeeee* I am currently just one, big giant smile with two feets attached lol ?
So the plan is to arrange a day where we focus on peace. We will be arranging workshops in peer mediation, self-empowerment, conflict resolution, etc. The workshops will be facilitated and conducted by the ALP-students in order to show the community what they have learnt and why these skills are necessary, but also to create attention to and interest for the programs that we run at SHIFSD and NETLOG. There will also be plays and concerts as well as dance shows and sale of food and drinks. There will also be art exhibitions made by the students as well as the possibility for attendants to the peace day to make and exhibit art. It is a day of contribution where people themselves can make an impact.
I hope that peace one day will be a success so that it can become a yearly happening here in Buduburam. That would be awesome!!!
Got to run, more planning to do and meetings to attend to!
Høres veldig interessant spennende ut. Lykke til med arrangementet!
Jeg er kjempestolt av deg jenta mi! Skal hilse så mye fra Joan Ida.
Stoor klem fra oss
You go girl!! kram