Obroni means white person in Tri, which is the native language here in Ghana. I get called obroni wherever I go these days. Either that or the kids will giggle and scream “white lady” , “white lady” after me ass I pass them in the streets at camp. We are in fact quite a few obronis here at camp, it is just that I don’t see them so often and there is only a few of us that moves around the camp in the way I do – back and forth from one office to another all over camp during day. So I mean, it is not like people haven’t seen any of us obronis before, or that they don’t see us on a regular basis, but still the fascination they utter when they see us walking around camp is something I haven’t quite got yet ?

Anyways, life here in Buduburam is good and I am enjoying almost every second of it. I say almost as the heat is about to kill me during mid-day, the time it takes for people to get from point A to B is looooong and the feeling of being stared at all the time is driving me nuts at times. But other than that I am all good ? Work is going forward and I feel like I am getting a lot of things done during my working hours which by the way are from eight to four, not to bad huh?

Wednesday morning and until noon I was with Phyllis at the World Food Program helping out with the nutrition program for the most malnourished children in the camp. The program is on all week, but every Wednesday and Friday the children get weighed and measured and they get an additional meal + rations for the weekend when the WFP office is closed.
There are currently a screening going on at camp to identify which children needs to be put on the program, but on Wednesday we had about 30 kids who are to some extent or severe malnourished. We had a new registration of a mother with twins, the twins are about 13 moths old and they weighed only 5.7 Kg! 5.7 Kg is NOTHING being that age! By the time they were 6 months they should have weighed 6 Kg and now they should at least be the double of that again. It is absolutely crazy! The kids looks like they are 6 and not 13 months old. And still it is so hard to get their mums to feed them enough and give them the right, nutritious food. Of course some of the mothers can not afford to get the food needed which is why they are on the program in the first place, but a lot of the mothers are so young so they just do not know what to do or how to do it. So basically, working at the WFP nutrition program here is quite a challenge, but a rewarding challenge however, not to mention that I love the kids – they are all so gorgeous, I just want to take them home with me ? So hopefully I will be working with WFP every Wednesday and maybe on Fridays too if I can find the time for it. So much things I want to do and so many projects and programs I want to work with, but so little time…*sigh*…but I am trying to do my best though, no more – no less!

Well, that’s all for now. Going to Accra tomorrow to do some sightseeing or something and then out for dinner as Phyllis are going back home to Texas tomorrow ? Whish you all a god weekend, take care and have fun!

Lots of love, hugs n kisses!

Pappa: Superkos å “snakke” med deg her om dagen! Du får se til å fikse headset nå også så kan vi snakke skikkelig ? Glad i deg! Hils kjæresten! Klem!

Mamma: Når skal dere til Trondheim? Du kan vel ringe i løpet av helga? Suss og klem

Storebror: Hva med en skype-date? Er som regel på nett mandag, onsdag og fredag mellom 15:00 og 18:00 norsk tid! Klem til dere alle ?

John: Like I already said on facebook – you are a true friend and a lifesaver! I do hope that the package arrives in Ghana sometime next week, I am so much looking forward to some good DVDs and some English sweets lol ? Speak soon!

Monika: Jag hann som inte med allt jag ville innan jag åkte (som vanligt), vi får ta det igen när jag kommer hem till Umeå i april! Hoppas allt är bra med dig, du får hålla mig uppdaterad på dina äventyr där hemma vet jag ? Kram kram

Jenny D: Hahaha, ja vi får se om vi får till att ses i 2008…helt otroligt! Kram på dig gumman!

Herr Rosin: Tack det samma du! Puss från Trinis 😉

Peddan 1D, 3tr: Hur går det med min efterträdare? Sköter han sig? Hoppas allt är bra med er! Många kramar!

Michaela: KRAAAAAAAAM! Bara för att ? By the way, kan du ge mig Gabbes email – eventuellt ge ham min? Tack så mycket! Kram igen!

Egil: *kose kose*

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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