3 nights in Bangkok

I have had 3 nights of great fun since arriving in Bangkok, haven’t spent much time on my own at all. That’s the part I really love about Bangkok and Khao San Road, you never spend more than an hour or two alone unless you want to 🙂 Met some beautiful people which I have been hanging out with for the last 2 days. Yesterday we went to the Sky Tower to see the sunset over Bangkok, great view I must say, and after we had another good party in one of Khao Sans many, many, many bars 😀 Today however, I’ve been kind of out of shape and have been spending most of the day in my bed, hehe. But now I’m all good and up for some more fun, soon heading down Soi Rambuttri to see if I can track down ”the gang”, have some dinner and a few beers. It’s my last night in Bangkok and it feels great!

Tomorrow I’ll get some final shopping done, go to the dentist and then boom out to the airport and catch my flight back home. Can’t wait!

I will for sure write a last blog tomorrow before I leave, so no worries about not hearing anything more from me and my Thailand adeventure 😉 In the meantime you can all enjoy the pictures I have just up loaded!

Lots of love to you all, T.

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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