The children in Thai Muang

It is truly great to be back in Thai Muang again, I did not realize that I have been missing the people here as much as I have discovered that I have during these last two days 🙂 (did that make any sence at all, hehe??).

Anyways, it was great fun coming back to the small village and the school. The children went absolutely crazy! It took about an hour and then every singel one of them came and asked me to write my name (autograph…hahahaha), my phone number and on top of that they pleeded me to write: I LOVE YOU VERY BIG 😀 Got me occupied for an hour or so at least, I have to laugh when thinking of it 😀 Oh and Madelene; they have made a big poster with our pictures that hangs on the wall in one of the classrooms, ain’t that cute? And everybody here is asking for you 😀

Besides hanging out with the children during the day I have spent a lot of time with my Thai mum, Kaewta, and a lot of other people. Mainly what I have spent my time on is eating, eating, eating and then eating…it is all about the food! Yesterday the principal invited a bunch of people, including me, to dinner. It ended up with the principal and the other men being somewhat drunk on brandy and the women giggling at me or with me. And the principal made me promise to come back soon to teach him english, hehe.

But my god, the children are so sweet. While writing this they are dropping by one by one, handing me small notes which says I love you and asking me questions or telling me that; ”You are beautiful”. Quite good for the ego to be here I must say, hehe.

I would love to stay here in Thai Muang much longer but Bangkok is calling. Need to fix a few things before I go back home and have to see some friends of mine as well. I’ll write some more when ther and I promise to up-load some picture then as well!

Lots of hugs n kisses to you all

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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