Of all things that can happen, I am now sitting in Koh Phangan with a somewhat bad staphylococcus infection in my left eye đ
The doctor was not so happy when I came in to see him yesterday, telling me that ” you have staphylococcus infection in youl eye, vely dangelous you know? Vely dangelous, not good! Doctol look in youl eye and not look good. Doctol give you a big shot antibiotica in your ass and you must eat medicine and use cleam in youl eye evly 2 houl”… so now I am all high on drugs, which makes me tired all the time, and I have to go around with some white sticky cream around my eye all day. Nice huh?
And as if that was not enough I have probally been successfull in cracking my small toe on my right foot after smashing it 3 times in a rock and in my bed while dark, it’s all blue and svollen! I don’t know if I am supposed to cry or laugh, but I think I’ll stick with laughing as I am soon at the end of my travel and I have been utterly lucky so far đ
Well, enough of feeling sorry for my self đ Me and Per have had some nice and relaxing days at the beach here in Koh Phangan, spending most days reading books. Per is all in to Sci-fi books and have plowed through quite a lot. Me on the other hand am trying to read a lot of books about Asia, but it’s not always I can find any good ones. But in average I think I am reading some 5-6 books a week, I love reading. Just fantastic how you can create your own littel world of movies when you read isnt’t it? And it is not so often I have a chance to read so much back home with school and course litterature and all. Also, reading makes time pass real fast. Though I think it has kind of been an obstacle for us concidering that we haven’t been around the island much đ But now we have rented a motorbike which is great fun, and I think we’ll go out on a small expidition later this afternoon. And yes, we will be carefull while driving on these crazy roads that wouldn’t been allowed being built in Norway in the first place. But this is Thailand so what can you do?
So far I have seen alot of injured people, a crashed motorbike and the roadside covered in blood, and yesterday we witnessed a small accident on the way back home to our bungalow. And people here do drink and drive…but not us of course, Per is a real good and carefull driver so I do not worry to much when we set of on the bike đ
Tomorrow will most likely be our last day here on the island. I am heading to Krabi to visit a friend that I met last year when I did my volunteer work in Khao Phanom, and after that I will go up to Phuket and Thai Muang to see some other people that I also worked with last year. I am not sure yet if Per will join me as he hasn’t quite decided yet. And on the 11th I am going back up to Bangkok again to do some shopping, get a desperatly needed haircut, visit some friends and have a last good old fashion Khao San Party! And then it is time to go back home đ
I am not so sad about leaving now as I have been away for quite some time, but I am sure it will be kind of a chock though. Quite a different life down here I would say ;)But I know that I will always come back to Asia! So once home, I am sure I will start planning my next trip đ
That’s all for now my dear, dear friends and family. Miss you and love you all as always đ
Mamma: Hur bra som halst med julebrus!!! Gleder meg masse til a komme hjem na, begynner a bli ganske sa mammasyk! Saerlig na som jeg er litt syk…hehe đ Hils alle sa masse fra meg, puss o kram!
Pappa: Godt nytt ar kjaere pappan min! Haper dere hadde ei fin jul og ei fin nyttarsfeiring đ Du kan vel ringe meg en dag nar du har tid? Savner deg og er glad i deg. Hils kjaeresten sa masse! Stor klem, T.
CK: Godt a hore at du reiste hjem i jula likevel, kan tenke meg til at familien ble overraska og veldig glad đ Haper du har det fint, vi far ringes nar jeg er hjemme igjen! Suss og klem
Christoph: Thank you for your e-mail, I am always happy to hear from you! And good to know that you’re all good and that you’re having a good time back home. It is surely great that you get to travel a little bit too, in the end a travel is a travel no matter where you go isn’t it? Give my regards to your girl, looking forward to see you both soon! All the best and then some, T.
Hanna: Nu ar det inte lange kvar tills du lamnar KL, utgar i fran att det kanns lite konstigt!?! Dock har du ju sa mycket att se fram emot, nya aventyr som vantar đ Ser fram emot att hora fran din resa och ditt uppehall i Bangkok. Skot om dig gumman sa hors vi snart vet jag! Manga, manga kramar
Christine: No worries baby, I figured out that things didn’t exactly work out as you planned it, and you know that I know that they never do when out travelling đ Looking forward to see you again in Europe then, and for sure we will have a loooooooooong
phonecall when I get back home to Sweden đ Love you and miss you a lot my dear, hugs n kisses
Naguib: How are you my dear friend? How was new years in KL? I hope that you’re fine and that you have started working on those applicantions for Sweden đ
Anyways, your in my thoughts all the time. Give my regards to your familiy and Sam. All the best
Damini: See you soon baby, so looking forward to it! Big kiss kiss
Hei KjĂŠre:)
JasÄ sÄ nÄ er eventyret ditt snart over for denne gang? Virker som om du har hatt en fantastisk opplevelse!? Jeg skal straks gÄ i gang med masteroppgaven nÄ. Har drÞya aaaalt for lenge. Julemodusen sitter i, bÄde her og der for Ä si det sÄnn:) Gleder meg til Ä hÞre mer fra deg!
Ann K-suss