Me and Per just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you all, so: MERRY CHRISTAMS!!!
So far we have spent the day on the beach, getting a real nice tan, reading books, swimming in the ocean and we have also had a small photosession with our christmas hat on (nisselue/tomtemossa), adding the beautiful photos here on my blog, hehe 🙂
And now we’re off to do some last minute x-mas shopping before we meet up with an irish guy for dinner and drinks and P-A-R-T-Y!
We hope you’re all safe and sound and that you will have a fantastic christmas. We would love for you all to be here with us, but we’ll catch up someday soon 😉
Miss you and love you!
All the best and then some,
Trine & Per
God jul, kjære du!
God Jul!
God jul lille Trinemora 🙂
Hej gummzan
Här i Umeå är det inte roligt, den lite snön som fanns har regnat bort:( Piss jävla skit väder…Det jag vill säga med detta är att låt inte hemlängtan ta övertaget utan njut i massor av den korta tid du har kvar i solen. Gott nytt år!! Puss