Keep walking in your own shoes

Surprise, surprise…they do have internet in 4000 islands 🙂 And that is good as we are changing our plans again, hehe!

But first I’ll have to give you a real up-date from our stay in Laos! So, after we left Luang Prabang we headed down to Vang Vieng for 2 days, and by God I would have wanted to stay longer. Not for Vang Vieng it self, but the tubing down the reiver was something else…something like aaaaaaaaahhhhh….ooooohhh…
awesome…nice….wow…my goodness…yeah…mmmm… let’s do it again…beers?…sure!…party…sliding?.
jumping from 5 meters in the water?…oh…yeah?…yes
…my god!!!!! I LOVED IT! So if you vere go to Laos, DO NOT miss out on the tubing in Vang Vieng!!!

Had our selves a good aprty the last night in Vang Vieng as well, but not so good the day after when we were facing a journey that lasted for 24 hours in order to get us down to Pakse and then further out here, to Don Det and 4000 islands. But coming here was all worth the hassel, the travelling, the pain, the waiting…you name it! The atmosphere here is totally relaxed, I spent the 2 first days lying in my hammock reading books. And so far I have read almost 3 books in 3 days, not bad huh? And to day after some more lazing around in the hammock we went for a bike ride along Don Det and DOn Kohn which is the bigger islands. When the frenc where colonising Laos they built a railway here, so we followed the railway tracks all the way. And one hell of a ride I must say. I f I was complining about pain in my ass, I can promise you that that was nothing compared to what it feels like now. The railway tracks were all filled with stones so it was very bumby. And riding a bike that is not made for such roads kind of kills you, hehe. But anyways, we got a nice work out so now we don’t need to do anything more the next few days 😉

Back to changing of plans…I think we’ll be heading off to Thaialnd on saturday, but we’ll have to check if we can get an earlier flight to Bangkok. I do hope so, I am just dying to get back in to Thailand again for some reason, even if I am having a great time here. I just love that country, it’s as plain and simple as that 😀 And also I would like to fix accomodation for x-mas since we haven’t managed to do that yet. And my fiend Madelen is there and I am dying to meet here (Madde gumman, jag langtar!!!).

Well, I guess that’s about it. Don’t want to go in to to many details so I’ll leave it for now. I will as always keep you up dated about our where abouts!

Oh, I almost forgot…I met this old american man in Vang Vieng…been all over the world and finally settled down in Laos. Got a four year old kid and a bar coming up soon. Well, anyways, we had a good talk which all added up to and came down to this: KEEP WALKING IN YOUR OWN SHOES! In the end, it is only you that can get you where you want to go!

Hugs n kisses to you all! LOVE YOU!

Pia: Phuket ja…ja du…men min kompis ska fira jul dar med sin familj…sen ska vi besoka dom vi jobbade med forra aret 🙂 Kram pa dig gumman

Amin: Saknar dig ocksa vannen, ser fam emot att traffas nu! Hoppas allt ar bra med dig! Puss o kram

Tor Erik: Hvor skal Kim og Morten vare da? Hadde vaert kanon a treffe dem der, hehe 😉 Kyss og klem fra lillesoster

Christine: Where about are you my dear? I’ll be with you soon girl! Hugs n kisses and lots of love!

Naguib: Thank you for all your comments and kind words. I miss you a lot too, and I know we’ll meet again sometime soon 😀 Hope you are doing fine, remember that people come and people go. I am sure there are plenty more good people entering Villa Putri and KL by now! Have fun my dear friend and take care! Big hug and my greetings to your familiy and Sam!

Damini: What’s up girl? Are you coming to meet me in Thailand for x-mas? I really do hope so 😉 Anyways, keep me posted about your plans! Major kiss!

SE: I’ll be there soon baby 😉

Andreas: Jag komer hem 16 januari, ringer dig dagen efter! Hoppas du hinner upp till Ume en svang efter min hemkomst, saknar dig o vill hora allt om din resa i Palestina! Pussar o kramar i massor 🙂

Putri people: How about new years? What’s the plan? We’ll see what I can make out of it all. Miss you all!

ANd again, to all the rest of you: MOUAH!!!!!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

5 kommentarer pÄ Keep walking in your own shoes

  1. Hei Kim skal vÊre der to mnd. Morten i 4 mnd. Han er jo sammen med ei fra thailand sÄ de skal bo delvis hos hennes familie. Ta kontakt med Tore (hÞrte han fikk sms fra deg) Han vet hvor de skal og har nummer regner jeg med. Vi snakkes snart. Klem T

  2. Tjena du verkar ha det bra 🙂
    TÀnkte sjÀlv ut Ä resa en svÀng, undrar bara kan man verkligen fÄ 30dagars visa i laos för 35dollar direkt pÄ grÀnsen? har bara lÀst 15dagar överrallt.
    Ok ha det gott, ok thailand ruels 😉

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